Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (April Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 452 45.0%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 553 55.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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  • The EU is dying and Brexit will speed that up. Once it’s dead we might be able to re-create a better EU.
  • Population has grown faster than infrastructure can cope, leading to NHS being crippled, housing shortage, school places etc.
  • Immigration needs to be controlled. We are in a position to cherry-pick the brightest and best from around the world and should take advantage of it.
  • Merkel has created instability all over the EU and has even doubled down and said her policies will continue. Who knows what she’ll do next.
  • 1m+ unidentified people from jihadi regions stroll into Europe and will have EU passports in a few years, or maybe sooner if Merkel can’t get everyone else to share the burden she unilaterally created.
  • Turkey is a mess and if they join we’ll have a border with ISIS that is secured by Muslims.

Basically this. Plus I'd rather we make 100% of our own laws
I really can't work out why anyone would want to remain, first off we thought not 1 but 2 world wars with Germany to stop them running Europe, now Germany pretty much runs Europe how does that work? They lose two wars all them millions of people die and then they dictate to countries across Europe they must open there borders and let all these refugees in, I'm all for helping people but how do we know when they don't have any ID who they are, are they working for ISIS or a threat to us? We have seen enough terror attacks across Europe in Paris and Belgium in the past few months along with 100's of women being attacked in Germany to suggest it's not a good idea to have open borders.

Also last time I checked, our roads , schools, nhs, Transport etc are all full especially around London. Plus letting these people in they don't want to integrate with our society and our way of living. The people who vote in will be sorry when they all end up with EU passports and be living over here and probably won't be long until another terrorist attack happens on London.

Also we are handing over Billions to the EU for this so called privilege, whilst most of the population in Greece and Spain etc want to leave as it's a sinking ship, the whole things corrupt and bent.

I think if we leave yes there may be a year or two of rock times etc but we can put the great back into Britain in the long run.
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I've always been strongly out but with the proviso that we keep free trade agreements already in place. Since there has been a lot of work done by the politicians telling us what will happen if we stay and nothing done to give a clear picture of what will happen if we leave then it is becoming a difficult choice for me. Ultimately I'll probably vote out and live with the uncertainty.
2 world wars with Germany to stop them running Europe, now Brussels pretty much runs Europe how does that work?

Exactly my thoughts - Angela Merkel has succeeded where Hitler failed. Technically all the people drowning in the med is blood on her hands. The EU is so badly mismanaged it's disgraceful and inhumane.

It's not rocket science....
Firmly out. For the reasons mentioned above and those I've talked about in the old thread. I do not want the UK to be part of the coming EU Superstate; a failing, bureaucratic, corrupt, economically depressed, migrant ridden behemoth, where our only (supposed) influence is through 73 UK MEP's out of a total of 751.

As above this is a once in a lifetime vote. Either we get out now, or go down with the rest of the EU.

If we do vote for out I suspect many others will want their say too (Frexit is already being talked about). That could be the beginning of the end for this failed project.
Exactly my thoughts - Angela Merkel has succeeded where Hitler failed. Technically all the people drowning in the med is blood on her hands. The EU is so badly mismanaged it's disgraceful and inhumane.

It's not rocket science....

lol you know an internet thread has gone fully down the pan when Angela Merkel is seriously compared to Hitler!

I'm still leaning towards stay the campaigns so far have been dull and predictable the stay campaign seems to be very negative and the go campaign seems to lack any details. The thing that really puts me off the no camp is it is full of right wing loonies and closet racists (not saying everyone pro leave is a racists).
lol you know an internet thread has gone fully down the pan when Angela Merkel is seriously compared to Hitler!

Reminds me of an interview on (I think) Radio4 where a German chap said 'Merkel is the worst chanceller we've ever had'. Did make me wonder.
Exactly my thoughts - Angela Merkel has succeeded where Hitler failed. Technically all the people drowning in the med is blood on her hands. The EU is so badly mismanaged it's disgraceful and inhumane.

It's not rocket science....

Nah, Hitler at least cared about his own people, Merkel doesn't want to even be seen standing next to a German flag.
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