
  1. BristolBEAT

    AV Receiver Advice

    New the PC Building game. It's really fun picking all the parts out yourself. One question. I currently have an Pioneer AV Receiver with 5.1 speakers. My Xbox and Switch run on different HDMI INs and then HDMI out to my TV. I'd simply like to add my PC but it's proving a head scratcher. Once...
  2. SemperFitz

    driver software updater

    Hi All, Is there a good free piece of software that can determine the correct audio drivers i need to download? TIA
  3. Steven Allick

    Short Game Audio Drop Outs (Motherboard and GPU Audio)

    I have an ongoing problem with my PC where the game audio will drop out every so often for around a second or two then come back as if nothing happened. Sometimes the pause or loss of audio is very brief sometimes it is longer but usually always in the range of 1-2 seconds. It can happen in any...
  4. Xein


    Afternoon all, I'm after a new set of headphones or a headset. Price range is up to about £100. I don't mind if they're wireless but wired is preferred. I'm pretty out of the loop when it comes to audio and what to look out for so I'm not really sure what's good and what's a gimmick *cough*...
  5. caveman OCUK

    Sound blaster z keeps going missing/uninstalling from device manager (Please remove thread)

    Hi all, as title says i bought a soundblaster z soundcard, set it all up, works fine while the pc is on, but whenever i shut down and turn the pc back on the driver has magically gone/uninstalled, so far iv tried: *installing the latest win10 driver *disabling all other drivers for sound...
  6. Sam Dennis

    New Home Theatre Setup

    First of all! Hi! I'm new on here so be kind! I'll explain a few things first to make it easier for you guys to help! I have had a gaming pc I built nearly 3 years ago. I have purchased a Sony HT-RT3 5.1 Soundbar Set to accompany my games, I have used headsets and just don't get on with them...
  7. GTiPUG

    Creative ZXR - 600ohm cans?

    Anyone got a ZXR? Reviews are all pretty positive, but it's a lot of beans to invest into sound. Been regretting getting rid of my Asus STX for a while now so looking to claw back my quality sound. Looking for opinions or short reviews. Eventually if I grab a ZXR it'd be driving 600ohm...
  8. GinGo

    Crackle sound on start up.

    Hi, I've recently started having issues with my sound, whenever i restart boot up my PC i have a constant crackling sound. The only fix i'm aware of is changing the playback from the default S/PDIF Pass-through device to say, my speakers and back to the default again, if i do this straight away...
  9. Wataman

    Help with some desktop speakers please (RIP Corsair SP2500's)

    Hi all, My Corsair SP2500's recently decided to give out (returning from holiday and they struggle to play any audio - after some research it appears to be an unfortunate design fault with the PSU.) I'm interested in buying some speakers for my desktop which are of similar/better quality...
  10. Boedicia

    Unable to get onboard audio to work

    Hi, i've upgraded my graphics card to 1080ti. Since then i have not been able to listen to my on-board audio/external speakers. I have tried so many different things, reinstalling, updating reinstalling my OS. I'm just worried that perhaps my ports aren't working anymore for audio as the...
  11. jjharrison

    Bookshelf speakers on floating shelf

    Hi all, I own a pair of audio engine a5+ and like most, love them. However after a recent purchase of 2 27" monitors I under-estimated how much desk space they would take up. I'm looking at putting the speakers on a floating shelf to free up some room on my desk for my PC and have a couple of...
  12. jiw2033

    HDMI over Network and Default Audio Device

    So i have my own flat and i've decided to network every room with 4 network points each. I then plan to run HDMI over Rt45. So i can have a super computer in my front room and have the picture running on different screens about the flat. Now this isn't a problem because the graphics card has 5...
  13. thickofit

    Best MacBook for Recording Music

    Hi all, I am looking at buying a MacBook to record music. It'll be fairly basic guitar, vocals, piano, etc. No EDM yet! What do you guys/girls recommend? I'm not looking to break the bank on the latest, top of the range model - I'm fine with second hand/refurbished. Cheers!
  14. snowdog

    Boost output volume on hdmi or optical

    Hello, I like listening to music at high volumes. My pc setup used to be : PC>A/V>TV all though HDMI. This provided a nice signal to my A/V receiver, A Sony DA2400ES. I upgraded my TV, to a 4K tv (Phillips 43PUS6101/12 ), since my AV amp doesn't support 4k it goes : PC>TV>A/V, with audio...
  15. dragonslayer

    £150-300 DAC need help!

    Hi, I'm currently looking for a DAC+ Headphone AMP to use on my PC, Xbox and possible Nintendo Switch/TV does anyone have any recommendations It will mainly be used for music games and movies. My budget is £150-300 I was looking at but unsure if this suits my...
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