The funny part is the gaming companies are killing off pc gaming not because their games require better hardware but because their games are not even worth buying anymore. It's been a long time since I have had a game on pc that's even made me sit there and want to finish it apart from the Sony PS4/5 games released to PC, racing, fighting games SFV etc and the MSFS that you can't really finish just enjoy learning to fly/land and see the worlds sights..
The game prices and the quality of them and the stories to them have reached a new low and most feel like they are written by an 8 year old, forspoken being a great example the dialogue is comical and mind numbing. Cyberpunk is boring as hell too after a few hours playing it, we need more old style games again that actually pulled you in to play, not force yourself to play it because it cost a small fortune for what it is. Anyways..
Have a nice Sunday all.
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