My issue in this thread has always been, despite running out of vram/stutter because of lack of vram with my 3080, the continual drowning out by highly vocal users insistence that 10Gb has not, never will break 10Gb because of the excuses: ~system error/user error/you don't know how it works/it doesn't have enough grunt to use 10Gb/my vid with zero active rt'ing shows it not running out/the constant words in mouth, last but not least, the classic-those games garbage anyway-just because they broke 10Gb!
I sense bait but I'll bite anyway.....
Problem is assuming you aren't trolling...... you don't like it when you are proven wrong and/or refuse to acknowledge that there is more going on, it's not a clear cut "oh it's run out vram", "oh it's using 14gb of. vram, therefore 10gb not enough" and refuse to acknowledge any other benchmarks/users experience if it doesn't fit the "10gb isn't enough" narrative.
Remember how you mentioned RE 2 remake "******** the bed" yet turns out it didn't, I uploaded a video showing nice long gameplay and showed no issues in the problematic spot, likewise with all the official benchmarks etc. showing no issues, although DF highlighted rdna 2 ******** the bed (even with optimised settings, sorry I forgot, they don't count as nvidia shills or maybe when it comes to amd hardware, it's "local system issue") but I digress.... then you went on to say something like oh maybe they fixed it then

Same with MFSF, you went on to mention issues, I uploaded 4k footage showing similar fps (with no frame latency issues) to gpus with more vram and pointed out how in patch notes, they mention of how vram usage had been improved and so on, you take that as "gimping the game to make it work within 10GB buffer" then go on to say "oh wait, hang on, it's the modded versions of msfs that cause issues with 10gb".....
Likewise with all the other games that have been mentioned, all debunked with evidence from various sources and the games, which run like **** also run like **** on the best of the best so it's a moot point "zOMG VRAM not enough!", should have paid the extra £750 to get that lovely 25 fps instead of 20 fps.....
Sorry but I find it hard to take one liners and so on when I and many others have yet to encounter all these so called issues in the "many" games all because of the 10gb vram and benchmarks showing no issues.
The fact when I or others post hard evidence debunking such claims and the thread goes quiet until the next problematic title/situation from the usual lot says it all
The only one so far is fc 6 but as said, the only way I could get it to **** the bed was by sabotaging myself by setting rebar on, refusing to use FSR with max settings at 4k in the benchmark, also, the video did have active RT, shadows are cast by the sun in FC 6 although it is highly gimped RT so bit pointless anyway. Oh and the only video to date still showing a 100% genuine vram issue is mine in cp 2077 when using several 4-8k texture packs
Making stuff up again I see tommy. Please find these users and their posts where they said that.
You seem to just enjoy the wind up. You even made a 12gb is not enough thread for a wind up and to try and bait.
Exactly, pretty obvious now but what do you expect when most people take likes of MLID one liner comments seriously with no evidence
I and others have openly pointed out where "genuine" vram issues are such as when modding a game heavily, playing at high res. and refusing to use upscaling tech. but nope.... doesn't fit the narrative.
The point you, I and others have made has proved to be true as per history, we have run out of grunt before vram (for 99% of cases), the fact that a 3090 ***** the bed in newest titles proves this.
Bill summed it up perfectly, Bill is sensible, be like Bill. Thread really should be locked now, it's boring topic and a never ending broken record (from everyone

) now.