This mornings update: somehow at the point where it posts/boots fine with the i7 950, but the x5650 does not - very strange considering I had the x5650 running fine prior to this. Cleared the CMOS, everything is default so no DOCP enabled.
Board is on latest bios, but as per
@mushtafa suggestion I found some patched X58 bioses that patch Spectre/Meltdown along with TRIM support for raid0 and extended cpu compatibility table.
Preparing the USB now, will see how it goes. Cheers for the advice fellas.
Worst comes to worst I can test the x5650 in my main rig, and use one of the x5675s from the main rig on the Asus board to rule out a flaky cpu, though I'd rather that be a last resort as pulling my main apart is a bit of a pain ha. Cheers again.
Update 2: flashed the patched X58 bios, board posts first try with the X5650. Gonna properly mount the Noctua and hope it still works.
Update 3: Mounted Noctua, board posted! Still a bit skeptical so gonna leave it off for a bit/hit it with some reboots etc just to be sure, but it's looking like everythings sound.
Update 4: Guess I was right to be skeptical, back to no boot and the DRAM LED back on. damn it.
Update 53453463: multiple reseats and CMOS clears later, everything seems to be fine? in the process I've somehow managed to kill the SSD that was in the machine, no idea how I've managed that one (was an old OCZ 60GB thing so not much of a loss)