15 police officers hurt in brixton overnight

This thread reminds me of why I have spent most of today tired.

A street party was started just up the road from me about 1am, after an hour and half or so roughly, they still had not gone, rang the police, but I think they never sent a unit, was at least 20 of them, all or mostly drunk, singing, shouting etc. I eventually did fall to sleep about 4am, it was still going on then, but dont know when it stopped or if the police ever bothered to do anything. Just hoping it doesnt become a regular thing with the curfew.
Did you try leaning out of a window and shaking your fist at them?
I gather that Police officers involved in the stopping, searching and handcuffing of the British sprinter Bianca Williams and her partner Ricardo dos Santos are now under investigation for gross misconduct over alleged racism and dishonesty.

I'm sure that they will be found just to be acting like any other Met Police Officer ;)
I gather that Police officers involved in the stopping, searching and handcuffing of the British sprinter Bianca Williams and her partner Ricardo dos Santos are now under investigation for gross misconduct over alleged racism and dishonesty.

I'm sure that they will be found just to be acting like any other Met Police Officer ;)

It's funny how you're generalising an entire group of people while being outraged at perceived racism without even noticing the irony.
It's funny how you're generalising an entire group of people while being outraged at perceived racism without even noticing the irony.

The woke brigade, double standards and thier inability to see the irony of all thier arguments are ingrained into thier way of thinking.

So no, I doubt it.
I gather that Police officers involved in the stopping, searching and handcuffing of the British sprinter Bianca Williams and her partner Ricardo dos Santos are now under investigation for gross misconduct over alleged racism and dishonesty.

I'm sure that they will be found just to be acting like any other Met Police Officer ;)

I am beginning to wonder if you aren't on some dodgy BLM payroll.... ;)
It's funny how you're generalising an entire group of people while being outraged at perceived racism without even noticing the irony.
The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies said:
In 1999 the Macpherson report on the police response to the murder of Stephen Lawrence defined institutional racism as:

...the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behaviour which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people.
Judging by this case and recent events, I don't think that much has changed since the Macpherson report so I consider that what you describe as my "generalisation" is entirely justified.
Judging by this case and recent events, I don't think that much has changed since the Macpherson report so I consider that what you describe as my "generalisation" is entirely justified.

No it isn't, you're citing a report from 22 years ago and using it to smear an entire work force of people, the vast majority of which weren't even at the organisation in 1999. Is it ok to take studies on groups of people and organisations and use it to smear every individual that belongs to that group or organisation? Should we not just judge people as individuals irrespective of their belonging to a particular group or identity? I know that last question might be hard for someone with such bizarre cultist views
Why is it always white men who claim that there is no such thing as institutionalised racism or racism isn't as bad as some make out. What do you know about racism? I can only take it that you don't have many black or brown friends because if you did you'd know that is nonsense. I was racially abused once in my life 27 years ago and I can still remember it like it was yesterday because I was that shocked. That is an ongoing event for lots of people.
Why is it always white men who claim that there is no such thing as institutionalised racism or racism isn't as bad as some make out. What do you know about racism? I can only take it that you don't have many black or brown friends because if you did you'd know that is nonsense. I was racially abused once in my life 27 years ago and I can still remember it like it was yesterday because I was that shocked. That is an ongoing event for lots of people.

I've had a few incidents and it does stay with you.

However, I think there's a bit of a pushback from some groups (i.e. white people) because of (a) racism is rarely reported/used when non-white people assault or commit crime against white people but when it's the other way around then (b) groups like BLM are quick to make it a race issue when sometimes it just isn't.
Why is it always white men who claim that there is no such thing as institutionalised racism or racism isn't as bad as some make out.

Sweeping generalisation. Also quite possibly because the majority of this boards users are...white males.

What do you know about racism?

Can white people not be the victims of racism?

I can only take it that you don't have many black or brown friends because if you did you'd know that is nonsense.

Another sweeping generalisation.

Some PEOPLE balk at the constant notion of institutional racism because all too often where it is alleged it's not proven or actually doesn't exist. Racial equality in this country is exemplary (albeit not perfect) we had, up until recently, a much more accepting society than pretty much any country I can think of. I believe as @Raz states above this is actually being eroded because of those reasons above. There are far bigger injustices that need to be fought in this country and quite frankly the world right now that many of these protestors could turn their energy to.

Homosexual rights worldwide, systematic oppression and borderline genocide in China, female rights throughout most of Asia to name a but a few far more pressing matters.
Why is it always white men who claim that there is no such thing as institutionalised racism or racism isn't as bad as some make out. What do you know about racism? I can only take it that you don't have many black or brown friends because if you did you'd know that is nonsense. I was racially abused once in my life 27 years ago and I can still remember it like it was yesterday because I was that shocked. That is an ongoing event for lots of people.
It's not only white men.

Also I don't think anyone is arguing that racial abuse doesn't happen. It will NEVER go away. Individuals being idiots will do it, maybe out of pure hatred, maybe just to get a rise out of people, maybe because they're ignorant. It will continue to happen. However isolated incidents of racial abuse is not the same thing as so called 'institutional racism' or 'systemic racism'. They're completely bogus statements. There are man-made systems and natural ones, like the 'weather system' no one is arguing that the weather system is racist. They are arguing that man-made systems are racist, like governments or companies. The problem is that companies and governments don't have beliefs, they have people, who have beliefs. An inanimate object can't have beliefs, a man-made structure can't have beliefs. People have beliefs. And so if someone is calling a government institutionally racist they're actually saying some of the people within government are racist. Which may or may not be true, but you will never stop people being racist. And also goes to show a system or institution can't be racist. The people within it certainly can though.

At the end of the day "The nail that sticks out gets hammered". Do not mistake this as an ought. I'm not saying that's the way it should be, I'm saying that's the way it is. People naturally will mock and/or fear those that are different and in the minority. It is human nature (and I'd argue true of all nature). Human society is a constant battle between the way we ought to be and the way we are. The struggle is that the way we ought to be changes from generation to generation but the way we are has remained constant. We are just as primitive and animal-like as a wild dog. We just constantly fight to resist those urges and be civilized.
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I've had a few incidents and it does stay with you.

However, I think there's a bit of a pushback from some groups (i.e. white people) because of (a) racism is rarely reported/used when non-white people assault or commit crime against white people but when it's the other way around then (b) groups like BLM are quick to make it a race issue when sometimes it just isn't.

Its true, when we look at the Asian rape gangs for example virtually none of the attacks on women have been labelled as racist attacks despite the vast majority of targets being white.

These are racially prejudiced attacks, but we don't hear that. That isn't called out but we know it to be true.

And while it is vile to be the victim of name calling or stereotyping, imagine you were being groomed to be raped, based upon your race.

I’m a Rotherham grooming gang survivor. I call myself a survivor because I’m still alive. I’m part of the UK’s largest ever child sexual abuse investigation.

As a teenager, I was taken to various houses and flats above takeaways in the north of England, to be beaten, tortured and raped over 100 times. I was called a “white ****” and “white ****” as they beat me.


I dont even want to oostende some other quotes its so disheartening just how racist some people can be.

Absolutely horrific.

Did you ever have to suffer that indignity Raz?
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