16 year old bullying a Syrian refugee with a broken arm, choking and waterboarding him

Hope they use the money to send them to a decent school. Sucks for the kids that still get bullied and don't have the media backing to get them trending on social media for a nice payout. Just have a look on ******** and you will see tons of videos like this, plus much, much more goes on without people filming it. maybe this will at least shed light on the fact there is a problem that needs looking into, although it seems the racial aspect is taking the limelight, rather than the bullying.
Funny isn't it?

"I got bullied far worse than that and I turned out ok."

Hmmm, I'm not so sure about the last bit.

As I mentioned in my early post, the bullying I received had profound effects on me psychologically that affected me through a decade of my life since leaving school. The lasting effects held me back socially, educationally and professionally as my self worth had been eroded and took time to heal and build back.

All bullying is bad whether you're a British white kid or Syrian.

Giving a single victim this level of support doesn't make it go away. It might make the donors feel that little bit better about themselves, or be a generic "**** you" to the racist bully, but this kid will still get bullied and will still have to carry the experience with him for the rest of his life, and so will all the others that have had to endure some form of bullying in the months since this event.
'Someone else told me something defamatory that I have no way of verifying but repeated it in public anyway.' Good luck Tommy!
TR has posted a response to the threat of being sued. I won't link it directly because he swears a couple of time in it and I know that would be against the rules here. But search for 'TOMMY ROBINSON UPDATE ON THE ALMONDBURY HIGH SCHOOL SITUATION' on youtube if you want to see his response. He says he has recordings and logs of the parent and another child who gave him the information. Is that true? Dunno. But that's what he says.

Just having a listen now - I tried to find it from a Google search, but only got links to "TR being racist about this racist attack".... was it really a racist attack? I've only watched the video once, but I didn't hear anything racist in it; just two lads having a disagreement, followed by the ***shocking waterboarding***
Lol at anyone who spends their spare time watching Sargon of Akkad videos, the king of bottom feeder youtube content for scared/angry little boys.

Lol at signing up to a Tech forum, just to post about Tommy Robinson, and **** off anyone who leans towards non 'MSM' sources....

Is there anything within this video posted, that you wish to highlight and comment on, which might help the discussion?

Edit: alt account I'm guessing...
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Completely agree with this video. Absolutely bang on.

The whole thing has been blown ridiculously out of proportion and more harm than good is being done.

Can’t see much sympathy from the usual suspects on here for the boys family, who have been driven out of their home by knuckle dragger vigilantes. I suppose they deserved it eh?
Hysteria is the right word. It's mass hysteria and mass mental illness - on an industrial scale - that the mainstream media is facilitating.

I'm genuinely starting to think there might be something in the water.
As someone said once before, in the TR thread I think - his voice does your head in; but this video does seem to discuss it for what it is - something that has been completely blown up into something it was not. Racially aggravated attack? Really?? Is there another video doing the rounds, that I haven't seen? It's a couple of lads having a scrap at school!!!
Lol at anyone who spends their spare time watching Sargon of Akkad videos, the king of bottom feeder youtube content for scared/angry little boys.

The only one appearing angry in this thread recently has been yourself tbh. Can you articulate any kind of point without the word lol or throwing insults up in the air? Not sharing the same view is fine but if you can't debate it like an adult why bother?
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Stop the presses! I've just choked on my water... I mean been water boarded. My GoFundMe will be up soon. K thnx bye
Lol at signing up to a Tech forum, just to post about Tommy Robinson, and **** off anyone who leans towards non 'MSM' sources....

Is there anything within this video posted, that you wish to highlight and comment on, which might help the discussion?

Edit: alt account I'm guessing...

Had a quick skim through the video, so correct me if I'm wrong as I couldn't be bothered to sit through the whole thing, but from what I saw he completely skipped over:

a) The mother's arrest for racism
b) The bully's social media littered with Britain First/Tommy Robinson stuff (no matter how you want to dress it up, both are xenophobic and racist)
c) The brother's arrest and prison sentence for violence during a "Britain First" march

Assuming I didn't skip over those parts, I wouldn't mind if he said "This is not racism, and the evidence that could suggest it was stemmed in racism is conjecture", but he has obviously not included it because it doesn't fit his narrative.

If I was to sit here and say some guy with ISIS paraphernalia at home, who went and attacked some white British person, was not a racist you'd be calling me a moron and rolling your eyes.

But as the evidence that this could be stemmed in racism doesn't fit the narrative of whatever the video is trying to push, it is ignored.

Even the posters above... "racist attack? really??" Imagine me saying that in a thread where a white person had been choked by an ISIS follower and tell me you wouldn't think I was a moron.

Edit: Oh wait, that's you LOL
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