17 year old girl allowed to kill herself Legally

18 Oct 2002
So you think her family and doctors preferred to euthanise her rather than force her to stay alive or commit suicide? That they did this as a convenient out, instead of a last resort after years of effort and treatment?

I think your spinning back at me the obvious, of course they didn't but I still say that its a failing that she was able to do this and that there wasn't a better choice to help her live.
1 Jun 2013
What kind of nonsense is "their body so it's up to them"?

She is 17 years old, she is a child despite legally 16 being seen as adulthood due to the onset of puberty it does not mean one has all the experience or knowledge to be able to make such a decision.

My stance is she needed help/support and the lack of that help is the real problem here.

You should help others who are suffering, not legalise there death and eliminate them from society.

She got help and support, from her family, the medical profession, the social services. None of it helped. I'll put this here again:

The patient's suffering is unbearable with no prospect of improvement

You think you know her situation better than her family, doctors and herself? The choice to end a life in this case was, and always would be a last resort.



3 Oct 2003
She got help and support, from her family, the medical profession, the social services. None of it helped. I'll put this here again:

You think you know her situation better than her family, doctors and herself? The choice to end a life in this case was, and always would be a last resort.

Perhaps not enough help or the right kind of help. Well they gave up on her, that's enough for me to say it is wrong.
Man of Honour
17 Nov 2003
Southampton, UK



3 Oct 2003
I wonder how the busy body "think of the children" posters feel now the truth is revealed that this girl starved herself to death, what a pleasant and humane way to die :rolleyes:

It is a gift only in your opinion, I'd argue it's a curse that is forced upon us

Life is a curse?

I'm guessing you suffer from depression and hence you feel that way. Perhaps one day you will feel different.

How about all of us who have been through depression and recovered to live a happy life?
Man of Honour
17 Nov 2003
Southampton, UK
Perhaps not enough help or the right kind of help. Well they gave up on her, that's enough for me to say it is wrong.

They let her have agency over her own body. Out of everything in this world, I believe that only I should have the right to decide what happens with me. If i'm not directly affecting someone else (such as being pregnant), why should anyone else have a say over what I do with my body?



3 Oct 2003
They let her have agency over her own body. Out of everything in this world, I believe that only I should have the right to decide what happens with me. If i'm not directly affecting someone else (such as being pregnant), why should anyone else have a say over what I do with my body?

I agree up to the point of affecting others or killing yourself.

Sorry, just can't accept suicide as legitimate. To me it is a waste of life and future. An unnatural end to existence.

Nothing to do with religion.
8 Jun 2013
What kind of nonsense is "their body so it's up to them"?

She is 17 years old, she is a child despite legally 16 being seen as adulthood due to the onset of puberty it does not mean one has all the experience or knowledge to be able to make such a decision.

My stance is she needed help/support and the lack of that help is the real problem here.

You should help others who are suffering, not legalise there death and eliminate them from society.

To me this is just as bad as the Nazis euthanising (through painless means they thought it was ok too) they deemed not fit for society.
what kind of nonsense and arrogance is it to assume you know what's best for her? who the **** do you think you are? the fact you're dragging Nazi enforced killings into something that's based on a mentally stable person's free choice just reinforces my opinion of you. and dont' come that "if she wants to die she's not stable" bull****, she sounds a lot more coherent and level headed than you. what kind of sick entertainment would you get forcing a rape victim to live w/ those feelings?
1 Jun 2013
I think your spinning back at me the obvious, of course they didn't but I still say that its a failing that she was able to do this and that there wasn't a better choice to help her live.

What better choice? Sometimes you just reach the end of the road with treatment. There's nothing further to be done that doesn't make the situation worse. No matter how much you want to fix someone, how much you want them to come back and be the person the could be, or that they used to be, it just can't be done. You can talk about all the maybes, buts and ifs, but there comes a point where the only choice is between a dignified and peaceful ending, or a scared, fearful ending full of pain and suffering.

I've seen the latter with my close family more than once, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, not for them, and not for the family that loves them.

Anyway, it's been revealed that this didn't really happen that way, that the British press has embellished to the point where they might as well have made the whole story up. That explains why I couldn't find a source on the BBC website last night.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
If you've never experienced depression you wouldn't understand.

And if you have experienced depression or childhood abuse and come out the other side of it, then your perspective is more likely to be that we shouldn't be helping young people to end their life when you have personal experience that you can come out of it the other side and put your life back together.

What better choice? Sometimes you just reach the end of the road with treatment.

At 17???
1 Jun 2013
Perhaps not enough help or the right kind of help. Well they gave up on her, that's enough for me to say it is wrong.

So now you know better than her doctors? Noa was a legal adult, she made an informed choice, her doctors respected it. Was it that different from a DNR order?
15 Feb 2013
Why is 'being alive' argued as a better state to 'being dead'?

A waste of life and a future, which then ends in a death? Nothing is really achieved in that time.......

Always seems to me people hold onto 'The good outweighs the bad', but if at the end of the day someone else said that it didn't for them, people seem to ignore that and believe that by their standards happy bits outweigh sad ones



3 Oct 2003
what kind of nonsense and arrogance is it to assume you know what's best for her? who the **** do you think you are? the fact you're dragging Nazi enforced killings into something that's based on a mentally stable person's free choice just reinforces my opinion of you. and dont' come that "if she wants to die she's not stable" bull****, she sounds a lot more coherent and level headed than you. what kind of sick entertainment would you get forcing a rape victim to live w/ those feelings?

First of all calm the **** down.

It's neither it's called empathy for another being, right now she was in a stage where her life was awful it doesn't mean she will always be like that.

Life changes, people change its never static or the same. Someone could have killed her mother and she might have wanted revenge and thus found something to live for.

Now I know that is dark but logically it is possible.

In war rape is used as a weapon, the survivors despite being scarred for life by such monstrous actions do often survive and live content lives.

It was a relevant example as they(Nazis) deemed such people not fit to live and certain people here are whether they see it or not making the same argument.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
People with depression so bad that they see death as the only way out of it will find a way to kill themselves. At least this would be a pain free way to go, with no risk of ending up as a vegetable if their suicide attempt goes wrong.

It's not hard to kill yourself if that's what you truly want. You can research drugs or effectively re-create what has been used by medical people for euthanasia on occasion with helium and a bag. Or take a slightly more painful ways out as well. The point is that active euthanasia encourages suicide. The argument that it's either the only option or that the other options are so risky or painful they cannot be considered, are both demonstrably false.

Why is 'being alive' argued as a better state to 'being dead'?

One has potential, the other does not. Fairly obvious, I should think.
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