
Clarkey said:
that said, i've just graduated. Don't know how much use I will get out of it in the future, guess it will allow me to stay in touch with my uni friends easily which can only be a good thing :)

I think that's the main thing, keeping in touch with friends who are now scatter around the country/world now uni has finished.
Our school got slaughtered in the Times for Bebo and cyber bullying. I think a bunch of kids set up a fake Bebo page for some fat kid and wrote "I'm the reason there's poverty in Africa." It made the papers though :D
Inquisitor said:
Joined all of them :D
Me too... I'd join the Anti Daily Mail one 100 times if I could. Me & mother seem to argue about the daily mail every time we speak (and I see it on her kitchen table :mad: )
I prefer Facebook but can't really use it yet as I need my new college email to sign up to our college Facebook network, won't get that until September.

Had MySpace for a while now will probably use both Facebook&MySpace I guess.
Im on bebo, myspace and facebook and i generally prefer facebook, its more friendly and i know everyone on my friends list, and its easier to find old school mates. Myspace is just so random :o
AcidHell2 said:
Most people dont know how theyre started.

bebo = chavs, silly young people
Myspace, emos, chavs and any other weirdos.
Facebook = more of a private, keeping in touch with friends thing.

ive noticed more of my irish friends have a bebo rarther than a myspace tbh but theres stuff like lookatme and faceparty etc .......

on a seperate note... :o
facebook seems to be a lot more tidyer and orginised to me ...... and you dont get the hideous designd layout flaws you get in myspace when you use a diff browser etc........
MySpace is also better if you work within the music industry. I don't see Facebook having over 1 million band pages with samples.

But then maybe only working class people work in the music industry. :p
Tommy B said:
Our school got slaughtered in the Times for Bebo and cyber bullying. I think a bunch of kids set up a fake Bebo page for some fat kid and wrote "I'm the reason there's poverty in Africa." It made the papers though :D

Funnily enough one of my friends is deputy head at a primary school, and he said it is a growing problem. Bebo was again the site of choice and they had parents coming in to complain, threatening to sue and everything.

Kinda hard thing to know how to deal with; when we were at school hardly anyone had the internet and it certainly wasn't used for social networking back then.

Noticed quite a few people at work talking about facebook (women especially), never actually seen the site though due to it requiring a login. From what I can gather, it's actually more true to it's roots than most of these sites, i.e. for friends keeping in touch rather than a glorified dating/showoff page! The thing is, I can't imagine me just messaging people out of the blue who I haven't spoken to in years. Despite being heavily in to the 'net since the 90s, I've very rarely used it for communicating with people I know IRL (haven't had an IM client installed in years).

A few years back someone I know told me about MySpace (when it was relatively unknown), saying it was kinda like Faceparty. I had a look but as others have mentioned it's all a bit too much to take in - music, videos, images, colours and text all over the place. I think I'd prefer something a bit more reserved and functional.
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AcidHell2 said:
Most people dont know how theyre started.

bebo = chavs, silly young people
Myspace, emos, chavs and any other weirdos.
Facebook = more of a private, keeping in touch with friends thing.

Lol, what?

All three are entirely customisable and are defined only by what you choose to do with them. If you think bebo is for chavs and silly young people it's because you've chosen to look at those pages. My bebo is a private, keeping in touch with friends thing and give me 10 minutes with facebook and I'll bet I could put together a painfully chavvy page.
MySpace just annoys me. It's full of selfish, insecure adolescents.

Facebook is better as it's much more personal and a great social tool. Although, the major appeal of it (that being the simplicity) was almost lost when they started adding all of those poncey applications.
Myspace is full of self obsessed morons that post bulletins like..

"people comment my new pictures, yes?"

"ive finished work, talk to me.. yes?"

Or shoddy crap bands that have members so up themselves its unreal (cant tell its personal with me can you :p)

Its sort of, hey youve got 1000friends, talk to me?...

hey you have 24friends.. your rubbish at life.

.. get stuffed you scruffy skiprats
My favourite thing on facebook is the honesty box application. You can write anonymous messages to all of your 'friends' who have it and let them know how retarded they are for adding such a stupid waste of time to their profile.
I hate myspace, it's like crusty the clown threw up on a page for the most part. Annoyed facebook is open to anyone to sign up, but I guess it was obvious that would happen.

You get those people that sign up to every networking site, and have all the same friends on each one... lol
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