As Melmac says, your coming across as very arrogant/elitist. Best to remember that people like different things. People get excited about different things. There's no crime in that, I don't see anyone who's planning on getting a Vega card saying that it's going to crush the 1080, or 1080ti. That's not the point.
We're just excited about the new top gaming GPU from AMD. Many of us have freesync screens, and have been served well over the last few years with our 290 series, 390 series, fury series, or rx480 series cards. Vega is a big step up from them, and the performance will increase over time due to the forward looking architecture. This is what we're excited about
We could pick apart your rig if we wanted to - coupling a 1080ti with a 4790k with DDR3 is highly questionable, along with getting a founders edtion 1080ti. They are damn loud at load, plus audible at idle thanks to the fans never spinning down.