29 Aug 2018

Basically I’m looking to buy my first gaming pc, I currently use my laptop however I’m looking to upgrade to enable me to start playing on the pc.

I play sim/strategy games (cities skylines, total war, football manager) I’m looking to expand on this to FPS, RPG and GTA V and the like.

In the short term I’m looking for a pc to get me used to playing with keyboard and mouse. But with a build that can be updated to run cyberpunk 2077 when it releases.

I would be open to upgrading part of the pc to enable me to run this smoothly in the future.

I have no idea about components and what is compatible.
I think the rtx gpu look amazing and know that these will be out of my price range at the moment but possibly hoping for a build that I could integrate this to when the time comes.

I have no idea how to build a pc and have no idea what is good quality.

I hope yous can help me. Thanks

Ps budget around 1500, this would be for absolutely everything.
20 Oct 2004
If you go crazy with Cities Skylines it can eat a whole bunch of RAM. 16GB minimum, I've actually reached the limit and had to delete a whole bunch of custom content to get it working.

Do you need everything? Monitor and peripherals?
29 Aug 2018
Yeah literally need everything.

I’m not sure what I would be looking for on the website, that’s why I’ve came here first, just to get an idea of the components I should concentrate on more, as I understand there are some which limit stuff and don’t give you the rate which is advertised, it’s a total mine field for someone as clueless as me.
1 Dec 2015
If you go crazy with Cities Skylines it can eat a whole bunch of RAM. 16GB minimum, I've actually reached the limit and had to delete a whole bunch of custom content to get it working.

Do you need everything? Monitor and peripherals?

Jesus, remember this, specially before they started to include better coded mods in the DLC that were favoured/good idea.
Right at the start having 3+ traffic mods on and then so mainly lanes etc .
32 tile unlucky takes a lot and I think there was a full map one ?

Graphically I use to run standard map no mods with a 960 at 1440p low/medium detail then 1070 with everything up .
In theory, 1060 should handle 1080p or 1440p nicely with hex core Ryzen/Cofeelake

Ocuk should be able to build for £50-80 . Ask for Windows not to be activated but installed and buy a CD key online

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £1,436.14 (includes shipping: £15.30)​

144hz OTT for RTS but if you want to get into FPS then it's great !

Board comes with Farcry5 if registered before end of the Month and AMD giving away 3 Free games

Intel version , would help be you slightly higher FPS 5-7 range and board has flagship WiFi which can be handy

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £1,416.04 (includes shipping: £15.30)

Sure others will link pre-built which can either be better or worse
Last edited:
29 Aug 2018
Thanks mate, can these two builds be upgraded pretty easily? I see that it’s got the ryzen graphics card, are these better or much the same as the Nvidia ones? Cheers.
17 Mar 2018
the amd graphics cards vega are good but not better than the top end nvidia.
I would keep an eye out for a 1080 or 1080ti depending on prices. as I think they are better than vega for games.
1 Dec 2015
Thanks mate, can these two builds be upgraded pretty easily? I see that it’s got the ryzen graphics card, are these better or much the same as the Nvidia ones? Cheers.

the Ryzen build, wouldnt have to touch the core parts for years.... GPU maybe in a few.

Nvidia GTX cards are faster currently, but getting a G-sync monitor adds about £200 ... to be honest theres no need and more of a plus, but when you consider xbox one x has freesync ( AMD and what the vega uses) then its harder to get a PC that doesn't offer better gameplay then a console whether thats frame rates, visuals, smoothness or resolution etc

plus your sinking in another £100 + that really wouldnt have much more benefit for RTS games
2 Aug 2018
As you say you dont know how to build a pc, i would recommend watching a build guide on youtube as the building is really fun.

I watched a build guide "how to build a pc" on YouTube by a guy called bitwit. I recommend this video he talks you through everything but it's good to watch a few different ones so you can see the various ways people approach building a pc.

Building is awesome but some rookie mistakes can cause expensive problems that's why watching a how to video is a good idea.
29 Aug 2018
the Ryzen build, wouldnt have to touch the core parts for years.... GPU maybe in a few.

Nvidia GTX cards are faster currently, but getting a G-sync monitor adds about £200 ... to be honest theres no need and more of a plus, but when you consider xbox one x has freesync ( AMD and what the vega uses) then its harder to get a PC that doesn't offer better gameplay then a console whether thats frame rates, visuals, smoothness or resolution etc

plus your sinking in another £100 + that really wouldnt have much more benefit for RTS games

So would you suggest just sticking with the build that’s been suggested? And this can be upgraded when it’s needed with no issues?
1 Dec 2015
So would you suggest just sticking with the build that’s been suggested? And this can be upgraded when it’s needed with no issues?

ryzen AM4 boards can handle Zen2 chips coming in 2019 and 2020 if you feel in a few years time you need more pace, can pick on up second hand etc - they are thought to have more cores and speed when they comes along so thats a good upgrade patch in a few years time etc .
GPUs can be swapped out and PSU is large so doesn't restrict you pretty much
29 Aug 2018
ryzen AM4 boards can handle Zen2 chips coming in 2019 and 2020 if you feel in a few years time you need more pace, can pick on up second hand etc - they are thought to have more cores and speed when they comes along so thats a good upgrade patch in a few years time etc .
GPUs can be swapped out and PSU is large so doesn't restrict you pretty much

Ok mate thanks for your help feeling a bit more confident in buying, I think I will go with one of the above builds. Possibly put in a Nvidia 1080 graphics card.
1 Dec 2015
Ok mate thanks for your help feeling a bit more confident in buying, I think I will go with one of the above builds. Possibly put in a Nvidia 1080 graphics card.

no worries, depends on your screen, would rather have vega and freesync then gtx 1080 without sync personally. gtx 1080 is also adding £100 more and if you wanted G-Sync monitor thats £200+

though i know a few on here run Nvidia with 144hz 1080p/1440p freesync screens because they are cheaper - can pick up TN 144Hz 1440p freeysnc for £350 if you look

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £1,351.03 (includes shipping: £11.10)

on the plug side, PSU needs less juice and can be cheaper !
lowest priced good PSU - tier 2 we recommend on here

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £161.04 (includes shipping: £11.10)

modular , tier 2 and latter tier 1

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £185.04 (includes shipping: £11.10)​
29 Aug 2018
no worries, depends on your screen, would rather have vega and freesync then gtx 1080 without sync personally. gtx 1080 is also adding £100 more and if you wanted G-Sync monitor thats £200+

though i know a few on here run Nvidia with 144hz 1080p/1440p freesync screens because they are cheaper - can pick up TN 144Hz 1440p freeysnc for £350 if you look

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £1,351.03 (includes shipping: £11.10)

on the plug side, PSU needs less juice and can be cheaper !
lowest priced good PSU - tier 2 we recommend on here

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £161.04 (includes shipping: £11.10)

modular , tier 2 and latter tier 1

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £185.04 (includes shipping: £11.10)
What is the free sync and no sync do you need a special monitor to use the Nvidia cards?
1 Dec 2015
What is the free sync and no sync do you need a special monitor to use the Nvidia cards?

Freesync is open standard to match monitors refresh rate with GPUs, G-sync is the same thing but for Nvidia GPUs with monitors that feature their hardware . Freesync is via firmware/software

Not needed but is nice for fast gameplay or when GPU struggles with constant frame rate or maxing out the screen Hz
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