Days they have to arrive direct though in the Un convention
In theory the first safe country rule applies, and the uk could remove asylum seekers to that country. But if that country would not admit them, what can you do?
Days they have to arrive direct though in the Un convention
In theory the first safe country rule applies, and the uk could remove asylum seekers to that country. But if that country would not admit them, what can you do?
[TW]Fox;28388297 said:Well no, not really. That is the perception of what happens, the reality is probably somewhat different, not helped by continual high profile media examples being made of families given a brand new house, 2 cars and a million quid or whatever it is we apparently give away to immigrants.
It's true that we don't simply ignore them all once they arrive but then what other choice do we have? You can't just round them all up in a van and shoot them or fly them back to France, however much the baying mob wish you could. The majority of asylum cases are rejected and people are deported - last month there was an interesting story on the BBC News website about 18-21 year olds deported back to Afghanistan after being allowed to stay here in the UK whilst they grew up but then be deported back once they came of age.
I think this needs to be dealt with quickly because the worse it gets the closer you get to what the 'gun them all down' crowd wants. In my opinion you need to have a proper force on the ports/eurotunnel, if that means getting extra police or even army to boost numbers then do it.
Detention centres need to be like prisons. Put them right off coming here, send them back to where they came from so that they can tell stories of how bored they were playing pool and watching easteners all day.
Something needs to be done before a trucker gets stabbed or similar because then it really will hit the fan.
That is quite literally the only thing that will motivate politicians as we have a political culture of "do what public opinion wants" which totally cripple our leaders into utter indecision as they don't want to do anything that might affect their opinion poll ratings, and nothing will happen until public opinion is motivated enough.
They had a detention centre, Sangatte, and they closed it down. Too much hassle. Much easier to ignore the problem and hope it goes away.
Who said they weren't skilled?????????????
Who said they don't adhere to morals??????
You are quite literally getting all worked up over daily mail articles and just making stuff up now
5. Need I go on.
if they were skilled they wouldn't even need to leave their own country illegally
A naïve assumption. Some migrants are fleeing religious persecution with very real threats of death. You shouldn't generalise like that.
Pubs kicked out early then.....
I'll entertain it anyway.
1. They are possibly refugees, they have no clothes or money, why would they have documents
2. They are possibly refugees, they have no clothes or money, why would they have documents
3. They are homeless, Britain is relatively successful on the world stage so thats why they want in
4. So are you saying that there are no British homeless skilled and intelligent people then?
5. Yes, please continue.
Please PROVE they are scroungers. I'm willing to admit that yes there will be a proportion that are, not like the daily mail portrays that they all are.
I'm not necessarily defending them, I'm just trying to get the point across that 'kill them all' as was previously posted isnt the correct way to deal with the problem or the right attitude to have.
I know its not the DM so won't 'sicken' you enough to be worthwhile but just have a read.
A naïve assumption. Some migrants are fleeing religious persecution with very real threats of death. You shouldn't generalise like that.
Skilled people with morals have no need to trespass, damage property, break in an enter and violate a countries borders.
If you skilled ...
1. You will have a passport or relevant document.
2. You have documents pertaining your relevant skills.
3. You would not camp in Calais.
4. You would not need to camp anywhere if you skilled and intelligent.
5. Need I go on.
Skills my ass, they are scroungers and I feel for the real refugees in crisis, because that's who they damaging with all this criminal activity.
I don't get why you are defending these people, yes I know and understand the is genuine people in crisis, but these toe rags are exploiting the situation and system.
If you cannot see that then I give up.![]()
It's also a naive assumption to think that the migrants in question are fleeing religious persecution from their countries with very real threats of death and have somehow found themselves in a camp at the end of France with the UK as their only hope of safety.
They are there because they want to come to the UK.