2,000 migrants tried to enter channel tunnel last night!

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I don't intend to go anywhere, but am looking out for my daughter and we will be moved anywhere for the best start for her life.

Talk about absolute hypocrisy Itchy these people want better lives too, how strange eh?

Theyre not citizens so they can't get a job. That answers every single point you mention.

If they get here and get asylum then they can legally work, but they have to get into the country by illegal means in order to get asylum.

You've got a bike, must be a theif.

Thank god you've contributed some common sense to this discussion Boyce, but while I agree with the sentiment that we can't let everyone in etc I still believe the UK as well as the rest of the developed world should be forced to address the issues that are forcing these people to leave their own countries in the first place.

Talk about absolute hypocrisy Itchy these people want better lives too, how strange eh?

Thank god you've contributed some common sense to this discussion Boyce, but while I agree with the sentiment that we can't let everyone in etc I still believe the UK as well as the rest of the developed world should be forced to address the issues that are forcing these people to leave their own countries in the first place.

But the people any being forced they're leaving because they think life is better here.

You wouldn't say someone who moved to London to look for a better life was being forced out of their home in the rest of the UK would you?
How many of the posters here who are saying 'it's fine. we should let them all in' live in Kent near the tunnel?

There is a woman very close to giving birth and she can't get to the hospital for all the trucks that are parked.

I think this needs to be dealt with quickly because the worse it gets the closer you get to what the 'gun them all down' crowd wants. In my opinion you need to have a proper force on the ports/eurotunnel, if that means getting extra police or even army to boost numbers then do it.

Detention centres need to be like prisons. Put them right off coming here, send them back to where they came from so that they can tell stories of how bored they were playing pool and watching easteners all day.

Something needs to be done before a trucker gets stabbed or similar because then it really will hit the fan.

Who's going to deal with it? The French just want rid of them and are happy for the UK to handle it all. Cameron thinks the solution is mesh fences and parking trucks with sniffer dogs. Cameron doesn't have a clue what to do.

So who is going to deal with it when others just want to pass the parcel and our Government don't have a clue. After all... they're fighting over the term, swarm.

Whilst we have a serious humanitarian issue on our doorstep, and social services at breaking point here on the mainland, our politicians are having a semantics debate about the word "swarm". :rolleyes:
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But the people any being forced they're leaving because they think life is better here.

You wouldn't say someone who moved to London to look for a better life was being forced out of their home in the rest of the UK would you?

No I wouldn't unless there was a very real and comparable similarity to the situations that are present in 3rd world countries, if the Northwest was suffering ethnic cleansing, various war lords attacking, famine etc etc I'd be getting my two kids and fleeing to somewhere which in comparison would be safe!

The fact is we might not see living on benefits as an improvement, I've been on and off them for years due to ill health and let me tell you I can't stand it, its a horrible existence but am I better off than someone who has probably never felt full up or been able to go to school or had running water, electricity and heat on demand? To people who've been in far more desperate conditions would see what even the poorest in our society have as something to aspire to.

And that's what I'm getting at, if somehow you get into the African nations or the middle east etc and you give these people, comparable health care, education, quality homes, reliable utilities and sanitation, create jobs, train up police forces and remove dictatorships giving the people of these nations a completely free and independent democratically elected government of their own with no ulterior motive imposed by the west, U.N or the E.U well you're removing the aspiration, fear, desperation or pretty much whatever other motive people have for fleeing their homes in search of a better life.

I'm not suggesting I have a formulated and detailed plan on how to achieve this, I'm not a diplomat, economist, politician or humanitarian aid worker and I'm certainly no bleeding heart who thinks we should open up our borders and let everyman and their families enter the country and further cripple services that are already hobbled. But it's plain to see that unless there is a radical and fundamental change in how we deal with this crisis it is never going to be solved or abated in any way!
Theyre not citizens so they can't get a job. That answers every single point you mention.

If they get here and get asylum then they can legally work, but they have to get into the country by illegal means in order to get asylum.

You've got a bike, must be a theif.
let me get this straight.

someone is so hard up they have barely any clothing or food.

Yet they can afford to buy a bike? yea really....

Maybe they pedalled that bike across the oceans or something

most of them are wearing clothes given in italy, maybe italy gives them bikes to rofl
[TW]Fox;28386314 said:
What tripe, if we welcomed them 'with open arms' they wouldn't need to risk death smuggling themselves in :confused:

Their does seem to be a disparity between the treatment of these migrants before they enter the UK and when they do enter. The UK government tries hard not to let them in and to discourage them from trying in the first place, but once in, it's an arm round the shoulder, here's some forms for you to fill out to claim asylum, here's some money and here's a home for you to live in.
let me get this straight.

someone is so hard up they have barely any clothing or food.

Yet they can afford to buy a bike? yea really....

Maybe they pedalled that bike across the oceans or something

most of them are wearing clothes given in italy, maybe italy gives them bikes to rofl

You've been watching the footage yeah? I was thinking how well they are dressed. The amount that had on that looked like new jeans, immaculate leather belts, leather jackets. Or... were these pillaged out of the trucks?

Yet the amount that were very fit and hardly looked malnourished. How strong a lot of them looked. Heck, the majority of them look like they have had more exercise than regular British people.
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I assume that the reason they all want to go to the UK instead of staying in Italy or France is because they speak a smattering of English, and nothing of French of Italian.

So perhaps the best way to deal with the crisis is to send French dictionaries to Calais?
if you watch interviews they tell you italy gave them the jeans etc.
like the guy who got to here from italy in 5 weeks, he said it too
Pretty good condition for 5 weeks travelling. Considering what they themselves have travelled through.
Also note how the police in the UK immediately arrest these illegal migrants, police chopper out and all sorts whereas France completely ignores them, allowing them to even build a shanty town at Calais.
The mess they create is unreal. Some of it is nearly (not quite) as bad after a Glastonbury/T in the park weekend.
How comes the other eu countries are not immediately housing them and giving them benefits ? you see how the rules seem to only apply to us ?.
i want to know why everyone can claim housing benefit etc here yet in other countries around europe they get nothing ?
EU law says we can't turn them back once they are here?

There are additional EU directives - such as seeking asylum in the first country you come to (hence why the French don't arrest them - they'd be documented and the responsibility of France then).

But the actual business of seeking asylum and our responsibilities thereafter are laid out in the UN refugees convention. It's quite old, probably not fit for purpose in the modern world but it is taken quite seriously by all developed nations.
How comes the other eu countries are not immediately housing them and giving them benefits ? you see how the rules seem to only apply to us ?.
i want to know why everyone can claim housing benefit etc here yet in other countries around europe they get nothing ?

Same reason we don't have a desk set-up at calais for people to claim asylum - we don't want them.

The people have not claimed asylum in greece italy or france because they don't want to settle there.

The Greeks, Italians and French have not detained/documented them so are not responsible for them under EU asylum directives. Once they are on your soil and claim asylum however it's all governed by a UN convention and no-body is suggesting we or France dis-regard our responsibilities in that regard.

Oh and they get roughly the same treatment in other EU countries, certainly in France. Although we reject less asylum requests, apparently.
if you watch interviews they tell you italy gave them the jeans etc.
like the guy who got to here from italy in 5 weeks, he said it too

How do you know they are being truthful?

Isn't it weird that one guy was followed all the way here - from his arrival in Greece, to his travel across Europe in a car, etc etc... and then his arrival in Birmingham.. by the Daily Mail?

Finding the same guy again would be like finding a needle in a haystack surely?
There are additional EU directives - such as seeking asylum in the first country you come to (hence why the French don't arrest them - they'd be documented and the responsibility of France then).

But the actual business of seeking asylum and our responsibilities thereafter are laid out in the UN refugees convention. It's quite old, probably not fit for purpose in the modern world but it is taken quite seriously by all developed nations.

Days they have to arrive direct though in the Un convention
Their does seem to be a disparity between the treatment of these migrants before they enter the UK and when they do enter. The UK government tries hard not to let them in and to discourage them from trying in the first place, but once in, it's an arm round the shoulder, here's some forms for you to fill out to claim asylum, here's some money and here's a home for you to live in.

Well no, not really. That is the perception of what happens, the reality is probably somewhat different, not helped by continual high profile media examples being made of families given a brand new house, 2 cars and a million quid or whatever it is we apparently give away to immigrants.

It's true that we don't simply ignore them all once they arrive but then what other choice do we have? You can't just round them all up in a van and shoot them or fly them back to France, however much the baying mob wish you could. The majority of asylum cases are rejected and people are deported - last month there was an interesting story on the BBC News website about 18-21 year olds deported back to Afghanistan after being allowed to stay here in the UK whilst they grew up but then be deported back once they came of age.
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