But the people any being forced they're leaving because they think life is better here.
You wouldn't say someone who moved to London to look for a better life was being forced out of their home in the rest of the UK would you?
No I wouldn't unless there was a very real and comparable similarity to the situations that are present in 3rd world countries, if the Northwest was suffering ethnic cleansing, various war lords attacking, famine etc etc I'd be getting my two kids and fleeing to somewhere which in comparison would be safe!
The fact is we might not see living on benefits as an improvement, I've been on and off them for years due to ill health and let me tell you I can't stand it, its a horrible existence but am I better off than someone who has probably never felt full up or been able to go to school or had running water, electricity and heat on demand? To people who've been in far more desperate conditions would see what even the poorest in our society have as something to aspire to.
And that's what I'm getting at, if somehow you get into the African nations or the middle east etc and you give these people, comparable health care, education, quality homes, reliable utilities and sanitation, create jobs, train up police forces and remove dictatorships giving the people of these nations a completely free and independent democratically elected government of their own with no ulterior motive imposed by the west, U.N or the E.U well you're removing the aspiration, fear, desperation or pretty much whatever other motive people have for fleeing their homes in search of a better life.
I'm not suggesting I have a formulated and detailed plan on how to achieve this, I'm not a diplomat, economist, politician or humanitarian aid worker and I'm certainly no bleeding heart who thinks we should open up our borders and let everyman and their families enter the country and further cripple services that are already hobbled. But it's plain to see that unless there is a radical and fundamental change in how we deal with this crisis it is never going to be solved or abated in any way!