Why the UK after they go through so many first world countries to get here? for the 50th time a question that will not be answered.
If they were so desperate then the first safe country they come across would be their new home
This question has been answered numerous times, most if not all of the other countries don't want them either so grant them free passage to Calais where the UK is essentially the end of the line. Not to mention even if these immigrants where able to settle in other European nations, I can't think of any other than the UK that would support them so fully, we're a victim of our own making in that sense.
Besides, lets say all of them crossing in boats stopped in say Spain as that was the first safe country..... the problem still exists, it hasn't gone away only changed location, this is a global problem that needs a global solution that is slow in coming. That doesn't mean however that we shouldn't be doing everything we can to help those who are genuinely in need. And I'm not just talking about immigrants but our own citizens also.
Anyone foolish enough to go to the wrong part of Africa or the Middle East will get a bullet for real, as opposed to some grumbling in the UK.
Well done for stating the painfully obvious but what's your point exactly, see all you've said there is that some places are so dangerous you're very likely to be killed... would you want to stay there if that's where you where born? No Didn't think so!
Nothing to do with Political will, it was the fact that our soldiers were pointlessly dying trying to stabilise their toilet country and the "grateful population" were throwing rocks at them and helping the Taliban.
Oh my good god, what do you think our liberation of their country was a result of if not political will to have at their oil reserves etc? I'm a huge supporter of our armed forces and understand they make the best of an incredibly messed up situation but of course the "grateful population" as you put it are taking up arms against them, in their eyes we we part of an occupation force there to steal from them, would you stand for that? I know I bloody wouldn't! The fact is our half baked attempts at stabilizing their country didn't have the backing or planning to succeed and so we ended up with a massive mess we've all but abandoned as long as we keep getting what we want.
They are muslim, democracy is counter to their religion, all authority comes from allah, not man. At least try and understand their retarded culture.
So religion and politics are completely dependent on one another, I don't see many bishops or Rabbi's etc in parliament do you? Okay so they have different religious beliefs and need a different system to us, doesn't mean just because it doesn't match what we have exactly doesn't mean it isn't a democratic society.
Loooool, given that their own people have been corrupt for hundreds of years, good luck with that. Every police force in these countries is corrupt, don't you read anything? We have enough problems with our own.
And our own people haven't been corrupt for hundreds of years? Did you not see the news covering parliamentary expenses? Or the police cover up of things like Hillsborough. When I say corruption free I assume you understand that I'm talking about a system similar to what we have here designed to detect and deter corruption within organizations like the police which is something we neglected to assist them with when we trained police to be militia fighters etc and not police.
Besides, we tried that with their army- they sat there fiddling petrol from the Americans, smoking weed and raping the local boys. Then ran away when ISIS turned up.
Been reading the daily fail again have we? Again if they had resources and education comparable to our own most of this wouldn't have happened. I won't comment on the child abuse because that has no baring on race or religion we have plenty of pedophiles of our own who are so called English Christians.
As for running away from IS, hmmmm an ill equipped, ill trained people whom are now unsupported by the West in any meaningful way running away from highly trained fanatical terrorists drugged up to the eye balls and willing to commit unspeakable acts of barbarism on anyone they cross paths with, running away from them? Shock horror I'd love to see how well you do standing up to them.
It is not a matter of embracing our culture IMO, it is the UK being lumbered with a retarded, misogynistic and medieval culture completely at odds with every other single Western culture.
See now you're wrong again, Extremism is completely at odd with every single western culture but that could be said about any group of religious extremists whether they be Muslim by creed or not. Most religions are at odds with western culture, just look at Buddhism but cause they don't have extremists that makes them okay right?
I think you will find they are all racist, which is why they have been fighting each others tribes since fire was invented.
Even Somalians in the UK hate other Somalians.
By it's very definition Somalians attacking other Somalians is not racism as they're the same race. And tribes fighting tribes isn't racist either, its tribal warfare so thanks for defeating your own point there.
It failed because nobody in the UK flipping asked for it in the first place!!!
People like you wanted to force it down everyone's throats in pursuit of some lame hipster ideal. Ignoring the fact that in every country, every single race deliberately segregates themselves. Except liberals thought they knew better and tried to force the issue by flooding every community with alien cultures.
Well you were wrong weren't you?
I speak to Indians every week, the problem isn't simply with different cultures, it is with the African and muslim cultures.
Are we supposed to take how your kids behave as some way to run the country? Like we could stop strikes if everyone got paid in ice cream?
I actually can't be bothered to answer you anymore..... your completely moronic view point is horrifying and while I would genuinely try to see things from your point of view I'm afraid there isn't enough room up your rear end for both our heads.