2.30am here and just back from Hospital ..... might have a brain tumor

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I'm ashamed to say I missed this thread the first time around. I don't know you Toryglen Boy, I'm a bit of a sleeper on here - but I've read enough of your posts to know you little enough to be floored by your news.

My absolute best wishes to you and your speedy recovery. A lot of people beat this, and you will. Keep fighting mate.

Like Skii in the above post I kinda float about these forums and your name stands out. Im kinda shocked as ive never seen a thread like this before. I wish you all the luck in the world even tho I dont know you.

Keep yer chin up and keep fighting.
I'm late joining this thread too, but I'm rooting for you just as much as the rest of the gang.

Make sure you get over it and we'll all come over to Oz for xmas at your place. Is that a deal? :)
I cant belive this thread has escaped me for so long. I wish you all the best with the treatment.

Back to the first post, can you describe this taste you was having, my mum has been having a strange taste in her mouth for about 3 years now and reading your first post scared me because it sounds so much like what she has got, unfortunately its led to a massive downward spiral in her life motivation, she has turned heavily to drink to ease the pain and its becoming a massive strain on home life. Even told me that she wants to die. I just want to know if its worth suggesting she gets checked out for this kinda thing, because she certainly has changed as a person of late and its getting ever worse.

I think im possibly clutching at straws here but you never know do you!

All the best matey!
sorry to hear that dude, im sure you will be ok :(

can you elaborate on "as well as a general 'disjointed' feeling of not quite being here" ??

I think I know someone who experiences same sort of thing... :confused:
2.30am here (am a brit but living in Australia just now) and am just back from hospital.

For about 3 weeks i have had a constant headache down one side of my head, and other symptoms like a strange taste in my mouth, and a numbing sensation in my arms that comes and goes, as well as a general 'disjointed' feeling of not quite being here

I am on uber strength painkillers, but as soon as they wear off, the pain comes back, so tommorow i need to have a MRI scan, to check for a possible brain tumor as it would explain all the symptoms.

i am terrified. i have most beautiful 10 month old daughter, and i want to see her grow up

You have my every sympathy I just spent a year and a half watching my mum go through things after she was diagnosed with one in September 2006. I wish you well and hope you get a result thats negative and no tumour exists.
so this is what scared REALLY feels like ...

I've known people who've been given 6 months, and lived for 3 years +

I hope you are ok, and I can't imagine what I'd do in your situation :(

Chin up, my thoughts are with you.
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