2.30am here and just back from Hospital ..... might have a brain tumor

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TGB - you need a nurse...but until imageshack starts working, you're not getting the photo!

(Of my gf before a fancy dress do...)


Brave thing to talk about in an open forum Toryglen-boy.
Have some positive thoughts from the missus and I.

Doctors today know a whole ****load, but they don't know everything; one of my uncles was diagnosed with lymphatic leukaemia and given 6-12 months to live. He lived for another 20 years (albeit with successive remissions and treatments), time enough to see his only son marry and give him and his wife a grandson. He was so proud of that you'd have thought he'd burst :)

He always said he wouldn't let it get the better of him and by the sounds of it you have a lid on that one already.

I won't wish you 'luck' or anything empty like that, just some advice.

Remember, never give in and never give up no matter how low you might feel.
The drive to live is an extremely powerful one, take full advantage of it.
I had constant headaches and dizzy spells and it turned out i needed glasses... :rolleyes:

hopefully it will be something as simple.

EDIT: just read the bad news, how is the medical attention over there mate?

I'm sure it's better than the sufferin General which is where you'd be if you were home.

My thoughts are postive and you will make it no probs. Get a knife and dig the ****** oot.
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jas72 said:
I had constant headaches and dizzy spells and it turned out i needed glasses... :rolleyes:

hopefully it will be something as simple.

Er...Did you bother to read past the first post?

Very sorry to hear this it's deeply saddening :( . We are all here to support you aswell as the love from your little girl will always be there. Hope you pull through this and your an inspiration to many with your attitude towards the whole thing. Once again hope you get better soon.
Sorry to hear what's happened, but good luck in your fight against it !
Fight your hardest (a la Lance Armstrong), there's a lot of people willing you to succeed.
Toryglen Boy - so sorry to hear your news. It will be a bit of a fight for you before you come thought this, but come through this you will. It's 25% but there's no reason why you shouldn't be that 25% - go for it and you will get it.

Vote for 25% everyone - TGB for the win!
vonhelmet said:
Not to detract from the OPs situation, but you're a jackass.

Much sympathy for the OP.

Sorry you feel that way.

I like to face things with some homour.

As you so obviously have not bothered to read all the posts, only the last few, I will enlighten you in one fact that TGB no longer want to talk about this, and wanted to change the subject a little... Since you hadnt noticed that, I thought I would point it out.

Given that on the 26th of march, I was diagnosed with throat cancer, as many will verify, I know all too well what TGB is going through.

So, please, dont patronise me when all I am trying to do is lighten up the situation... As per TGB request might I add.

Ok, a story for you... This is a great story, and its 100% true... I am NOT making it up.

My brothers ex-wife's father, was diagnosed with "C". I dont know what it was, but I could fine out, I just dont see the point right now.

Anyway, his mobility dropped and he was unable to care for himself and eventually he became a burden to his family ( how? ) and he was hospitaised ... I think it was August.

Anyway in october, the y told him that it would be unlikely that he would see xmas, so the family decided to have xmas there and then, in hosital... Sometime around the end of october.

Anyway, time went on and about a week before xmas, the doctors told him that he might as well go home for xmas after all... There was nothing the hospital could do, so he might as well...

Middle of January he was still hanging around and decided to get up and try walking around... By march he was able to dress himself and he went back to the doctor, who was kind of blown away that he was still alive, and had in fact assumed he had moved on!

Now, can I just add somethign here.

This was 24 years ago.

He is still alive today.

Moral of this story is to NEVER SAY NEVER

Stuff known to help and perhaps even cure "C"

Carrots, Brocolli, Tomatoes.

Just make sure you keep O.D ing on those and everything will turn out fine.

Just make sure you look after yourself TGB - we are all with you mate.
Don't ban me OCUK but......

**** this for a load of ********.

From one Glasgow boy to another YOU ARE BEATING THIS!

Stop your hoping and start BELIEVING. You have my full positivity coming your way.

YOU ARE BEATING THIS! Make this one of the best threads on OCUK ever. You have my confidence!

Speak soon.
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Jambo said:
**** this for a load of ********.

I agree with you 100%, but please edit the sweary out otherwise you will be suspended and that's not good :(

I've been meaning to post in here for a few hours, but I haven't really found the words.

Basically everyone has already said everything that I can say, so I echo them in that this is a really saddening situation but it seems as though you're taking it exactly the right way. I'm not sure I'd have the strength to just get on with life as normal if I were told this, I would almost certainly break down in to a complete mess. I respect you a great deal for being able to face up to it and for staying strong.
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Good luck man, my mum died of a brain tumour a couple of years ago so it's hard I know. But my hopes are alive boy you'll do grand, fight to win :)
its been a while since anyone has posted here but ive just come across it and want to say i hope the fight is going well for you just now and that you're having some quality time with your daughter
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