Tiny Update
So Today i finished the panels, and tonight i did a tiny bit of work putting things back together.
The light conduct lens replacements, and the button surrounds:
After trying hot glue, and super glue that i couldn't get out of the bottle i decided to go for double sided tape, all parts in place:
Unfortunately the camera died and i hadn't recharged any batteries, so front pic will have to wait until tomorrow.
Plans for tomorrow and over the weekend:
Solder the PSU back together, install new amber and build back up.
Pray that the white LED fans arrive tomorrow!
Some small adjustments to the drive bays.
Fix I/O ports back in place.
Install low end system (Thanks Yewen - did i ever paypal you postage? hmm i don't think so )
Install fans if they ever arrive if not have to go with the blue ones
Install Cold cathodes
Put panels back in place
Final shots and write up!
So Today i finished the panels, and tonight i did a tiny bit of work putting things back together.
The light conduct lens replacements, and the button surrounds:
After trying hot glue, and super glue that i couldn't get out of the bottle i decided to go for double sided tape, all parts in place:
Unfortunately the camera died and i hadn't recharged any batteries, so front pic will have to wait until tomorrow.
Plans for tomorrow and over the weekend:
Solder the PSU back together, install new amber and build back up.
Pray that the white LED fans arrive tomorrow!
Some small adjustments to the drive bays.
Fix I/O ports back in place.
Install low end system (Thanks Yewen - did i ever paypal you postage? hmm i don't think so )
Install fans if they ever arrive if not have to go with the blue ones
Install Cold cathodes
Put panels back in place
Final shots and write up!