Surely a black flag and a 10 place drop are two different penalties?
So in my Scenareo, Massa is world champion for cutting a corner? In the current situation Massa would lose the WDC, and rightly so, but in yours he would win it and be a cheat.
Also what about if someone cuts a corner twice? or multiple times in multiple races?? Your way just doesn't work.
Heres an Idea, how about if you gain an advantage by cutting a corner, you get a drive through penalty, and if it is in the last 5 laps, you get 25 seconds added onto your time since that is the length of time it takes to drive through the pits?? sounds good to me.
As for consistant punishment, every driver gets the same punishment, every driver knows the rules. Every driver knows a drive through in the last 5 laps is a 25 second penalty. They don't keep it a secret.
Should penalties be changed in football to free kicks? Since it happens in a box 18 yards from goal? Surely a foul should be treated the same ehh??