2011 Census soon!

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13 Dec 2002
Manchester City Centre
I suspect that there may be a wee bit more of an issue than just the time taken . . . although you may be underestimating the time needed to craft credible but misleading replies, e.g.
  • misspelling your place of birth
  • getting your postcode wrong
  • muddling up the day and month of your birth-date
  • carelessly entering the year as 1948 rather than 1984
etc. ;)
So why do you think this contract by lockheed wouldn't be as strictly controlled as any others with US companies?
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Thing is they can't control the accuracy of it at all and there's nothing stopping people falsifying some of the facts - it's people's interpretation of the questions too. Furthermore, a lot of the questions seem to be totally unrelated to mapping out the population. I must admit I find it a bit invasive, but understand the reasons behind it - it just doesn't seem the most sensible way of getting a snapshot in this day and age...
13 Jan 2004
I love how people go nuts over their personal data like it's their soul or something.

Do you people have any kind of an idea just how much of your personal information is in the public domain or on someone's file server anyway?

At least with the census you are actually giving it away to a useful process.

Same bunch of people who go insane over CCTV destroying their personal freedoms because what they do in public, for all to see anyway, might end up on a HDD/tape.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
So why do you think this contract by lockheed wouldn't be as strictly controlled as any others with US companies?

Because he hasn't really got any idea what he's talking about. All his opinions are formed as a result of either ignorance or misguided assumption. He has no real idea what Lockheeds role in all this is, but he'll rant about it anyway.
30 Jul 2006
... Do you people have any kind of an idea just how much of your personal information is in the public domain or on someone's file server anyway? ...
I fail to see why that makes it a good thing :confused:

At least with the census you are actually giving it away to a useful process. ...
... Furthermore, a lot of the questions seem to be totally unrelated to mapping out the population. ...
Seems to cover my response to your question pretty accurately.

... Same bunch of people who go insane over CCTV destroying their personal freedoms because what they do in public, for all to see anyway, might end up on a HDD/tape.
Personally, I don't feel all that strongly about that; at least, to date. Those images can't yet be mass processed and to be honest are really only of value in deterring crime and aiding in the pursuit and prosecution of criminals after the event . . . maybe I'm just being naive?

As to why I object to the involvement of Lockheed Martin, it is for much the same reason as I object to wholesale privatisation and our turning the financial and intellectual future of the UK over to whoever happens to have the money but absolutely 0% interest in the people of the UK other than as a commodity. The fact that Lockheed Martin is a major US Government contractor is the icing on the cake.

If you love the idea of the census or really don't care about anything at all, fill it in as carefully as you can . . . if you don't or if you object to the "outsourcing" and flogging off of everything possible, don't fill it in or make the detail misleading :)
Man of Honour
4 Nov 2002
West Berkshire
I wonder how many people whinging on the Internet will actually carry out their threats - or are they just hiding behind their keyboard, like the rest of them.

And how many of them realise that if they'd have just sat down and completed the form, they'd have 'wasted' far less time about it all.

And how many who carry out their 'threat' then complain when their pet local government project doesn't get the funding they think it deserves.



1 Feb 2007
For some it seems to be "The Conservatives are in charge so I will make a fuss about it, despite it being almost identical to when Labour were in charge 10 years ago."
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Seems to cover my response to your question pretty accurately.

I didnt realise you had read the Census form. When did you do that?

As to why I object to the involvement of Lockheed Martin, it is for much the same reason as I object to wholesale privatisation and our turning the financial and intellectual future of the UK over to whoever happens to have the money but absolutely 0% interest in the people of the UK other than as a commodity

So you think EVERYTHING a government does should be done by its own employees and never outsourced or involving the private sector? Seriously? Have you any idea how much damage stopping that sort of thing would to do our private sector? It also plain doesnt work and shows up just quite how silly you are. Perhaps the government should manufacturer its own public service vehicles as well, we cant have them outsourcing vehicle production to the private sector!

You need to go and live in Russia in 1970 or something, it sounds like the only thing that would suit you.
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Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
What the **** has it got to do with them what type of boiler I have?

It helps to calculate how energy efficient everyones heating systems are, which enables the government to make sure those with inefficient systems are targetted with advise or financial assistance to upgrade?

Why is this so hard for some of you to understand? It isnt really that complicated is it?

Did you honestly think they asked you for no reason at all?
20 Feb 2010
Darkest Worcestershire
[TW]Fox;18522127 said:
It helps to calculate how energy efficient everyones heating systems are, which enables the government to make sure those with inefficient systems are targetted with advise or financial assistance to upgrade?

Why is this so hard for some of you to understand? It isnt really that complicated is it?

Did you honestly think they asked you for no reason at all?

We have gas suppliers feeding than info to you every time you get a gas bill.
So its a pointless question to ask in a census.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Yes, it is a pointless question to ask.
We have gas suppliers feeding that info to you every time you get a gas bill.

I have not said anything about suppliers feeding the Gov info.

But the Census is there to give the government information, its no good you knowing you've got an inefficient boiler if the government doesn't know and therefore cannot do anything about it :confused:
Man of Honour
17 Nov 2003
Southampton, UK
Yes, it is a pointless question to ask.
We have gas suppliers feeding that info to you every time you get a gas bill.

I have not said anything about suppliers feeding the Gov info.

Small house with inefficient boiler - 1 unit of gas
Large house with efficient boiler - 1 unit of gas

Gas usage doesn't tell you anything about efficiency.
20 Feb 2010
Darkest Worcestershire
The Gov want to know what boiler you have.
So you tell them you have x boiler.

Gov get back to you and tell you your boiler in old and is inefficient, so replace it and we can help you pay for it.

Me, I know that I keep getting info from my gas supplier with the same info you have just told me.

So the question is still pointless
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
The Gov want to know what boiler you have.
So you tell them you have x boiler.

Gov get back to you and tell you your boiler in old and is inefficient, so replace it and we can help you pay for it.


Me, I know that I keep getting info from my gas supplier with the same info you have just told me.

How do they know to offer you information and support if they dont know your boiler model is inefficient? How would you know yourself based on usage, do you know whats efficient and what isnt?

So the question is still pointless

Just because you lack the capacity to comprehend something does not make it pointless.
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