2013 bike meet!

I wouldn't go yanking the throttle to hard like that in 1st gear with a -1 front sprocket :D

I wont...ill be doing it in 2nd instead :P

I must be getting old as I'm not laughing at the lock up the near miss or the speed. I'm glad I didn't go now as I'd have had to ride beyond myself to keep up which I wouldn't have done so would have been left alone & Lost. On top of that I would have been kicking off at those that acted like *****.
Dans been out with me & I ride safe.

4T5 Officially Old Moany Git. :p

The lock up and near misses were the mistakes of the riders and the riders only, at no point did I feel I had difficulty to keep up and it did not appear that anyone else had that problem either.
Who was acting like a **** exactly?
Yeah, 7m was me, lost my balance and mentally failed to check the other way. I can see how it happened, and I'm annoyed because it shouldn't have happened.

Check both ways folks, even if you think it's clear.
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I'm still feeling a bit stupid about the junction, carried a bit too much speed going into what I thought was a corner but was actually a junction, I'm sure there wasn't a sign though? because if I missed it I'll just feel even more stupid!

Lessons learnt, don't assume anything and don't try to put the back brake pedal through the floor, new tyres are expensive and loss of traction on the rear wheel can seriously hurt :eek:

Might look at replacing the existing lines with a braided pair so I have more breaking power/stability. Also need to get the sag set up properly for me, has anyone had it done before and how much does it roughly cost?
To be fair there was no sign other than the give way right there at the corner after the bend, the only sign was a 30/40 limit coming into the village.

In everyday use you wont notice anything going to braided lines, its more a combination of new lines, fresh fluid and bled properly that makes the brakes feel better, oh and bling, I still change them on every bike I own, if you change the lines though I would change to some decent pads at the same time, the whole combination will make you brakes feel sexual.

Sag you could do yourself, there are plenty of tutorials on youtube, I personally get my suspension setup on track and its around £30-40, so I imagine a similar price at a bike workshop that offers it.
To be fair there was no sign other than the give way right there at the corner after the bend, the only sign was a 30/40 limit coming into the village.

In everyday use you wont notice anything going to braided lines, its more a combination of new lines, fresh fluid and bled properly that makes the brakes feel better, oh and bling, I still change them on every bike I own, if you change the lines though I would change to some decent pads at the same time, the whole combination will make you brakes feel sexual.

Sag you could do yourself, there are plenty of tutorials on youtube, I personally get my suspension setup on track and its around £30-40, so I imagine a similar price at a bike workshop that offers it.

I really should have associated village with junctions, I guess I'm just too used to going through local villages around here that don't have any junctions.

Well my bikes only has 7k on the clock but the lines are oem and must be around 5-6 years old now so way overdue a change and might as well upgrade instead of replace like for like. I noticed a fair amount of different on my old hornet when I swapped the oem lines for braided, but only really under heavy braking, around town was business as usual.

I might check out a few of the guides on youtube as it's definitely a good thing to learn, although I'll most likely get it set up properly first so I have an idea of what it should feel like properly set up, just need to find somewhere local that does it.
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No one was hurt or ended up on their arse, that's the main thing. You can look back now and laugh.

All of the above changes would not really have helped a huge deal I think in that situation, but it's good to get them done anyway. You did well to stop.. I bet the Insignia driver was bricking it too.
Yea he did well to stop!
Actually PU7E that's similar how I had my accident 4 years ago, I slid same as you did around a bend but a bit faster and ummm into the side of an oncoming car....
And I am much wiser for it now, I wont be doing it again in a hurry, it hurt and still hurts to this day, no more flying around blind bends for me :D

Yea I would definitely get it setup professionally, really worth the money, I know the standard SV suspension is pretty limited but it will still feel much better.
How old are you 4T5?

48 end of July.

4T5, I was at the back for the most part, being left a way behind, and if there'd been someone else there not fussed about being left behind I wouldn't have risen as hard. Us old gits have to stick together.

Would have been You & Me that got lost then. :p

@Others. Read my post again Including the last line, It was said in Jest with a pinch of Truth I was just having a Victor Meldew moment.
Last line does say "Ignore me" ;)
48 end of July.

Would have been You & Me that got lost then. :p

@Others. Read my post again Including the last line, It was said in Jest with a pinch of Truth I was just having a Victor Meldew moment.
Last line does say "Ignore me" ;)

I can't ignore you, you make me so angry :mad::mad:

J/K :D
As others have said the pace was far from fast, and we never pushed anyone to keep up, nor did we lose anybody, at every junction we would wait for everyone to regroup.

Oh and all these near misses happened when dsb was leading not me.... :D haha

Passing the buck!!!

Neither incident was a result of group riding, both rider error, either a lack of concentration or misjudgement. The pace was fine, maps and postcodes were given at he start so nobody HAD to keep up. I did not see a single person in the group pushing anyone else or riding like a tool. And all in, other than a bit of geographical embarrassment (fireskulls fault) I think we all had a great day.
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Passing the buck!!!

Neither incident was a result of group riding, both rider error, either a lack of concentration or misjudgement. The pace was fine, maps and postcodes were given at he start so nobody HAD to keep up. I did not see a single person in the group pushing anyone else or riding like a tool. And all in, other than a bit of geographical embarrassment (fireskulls fault) I think we all had a great day.

Getting us to within 20 miles was good enough I thought?!? and even then your gps delivered us to a field :D
Shame I missed this one.

Glad to hear everyone was ok though, despite the slip-ups. I think we've all had a few "moments" like that in our riding careers. The important thing is to learn from them, right?

Hopefully will try and make the next one!
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