On Sunday 16th June the Le Mans 24 Hours WebTV will start to broadcast to provide live coverage of scrutineering.
A studio will be installed on the square where scrutineering and admin. checks are taking place filmed by six cameras, and all the major players in the event will be interviewed until Monday evening 17th June. This programme will be intercut with reports from last year, as well as all the images available of the 2013 event (interviews from the test day, a look back at the operations for the 90th anniversary) as well as numerous videos made by the teams themselves.
The two evening practice sessions on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th June will also be covered as will the Drivers’ Parade on Friday evening.
Of course, the race will be at the very centre of this service. This year, all the surfers who want to follow it will be able to chose from two channels, one entirely in English and the other in French. Thus for 27 hours non-stop (14h00 on Saturday to 17h00 after the following day’s press conference) footage from the on-board cameras in eleven cars this year will be shown.
Created and managed by the Automobile Club de l’Ouest, directed by the director Gilles Cousin and Olivier Hamon placed uder the editorial responsibility of Pierre van Vliet and Ben Constanduros, with the help of AMP Visual, AMP Interactive, VO Production and DailyMotion, the 52 hours live broadcasting of the official endurance channel in 2013 will go down in history in the annals of Sports Web TVs!