Is it bad that I wan t a 600kg total at the end of the year?
Is it bad that I wan t a 600kg total at the end of the year?
610 is a good early target for everyone
Its not a target, its something for me to do this month
Its a great total not sure i can beat it, gonna get close tho.
You gotta do it below 85kg too
You gotta do it below 85kg too
We really need to get Wilks sorted xD
ill never win that one
Bodybuilding > Powerlifting
That's the one that counts
High wilks? All your friends know how strong you are. Being big? EVERYONE knows how strong you are, fact.
I'd disagree. Plenty of big people are weak as **** lol
But the average Joe on the street thinks otherwise. They see it as, being big = massively strong
Surely what women prefer is more important? I bet more women would prefer the look of LiE or Ice's body size/shape over a bb'ers goal physique. Most women I speak to think that to big is ugly, and it's surprising how small they consider to big to be