2022 mini-budget discussion

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The whole Tory party needs to take a step back for a while. It's own goal after own goal for nearly a decade. They change their leader but the own goals keeps on coming.

You have to ask yourself at some point "how the hell are they still in power".

Labour should have had an absolute cakewalk to take control from them but haven't. Its quite astonishing really.

The Tories are fundamentally good at persuading people that they are the best party to run the country despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. Unfortunately their performance doesn't seem to strongly correlate to peoples desire to vote for them.

I think they will lose the next election but I don't think it will be the landslide it should be. How anyone can, with a straight face, vote for them in light of the past decade plus is beyond me but there will be millions who do.

Its feels like far too many peoples sense of self is invested in their political affiliation. People seem to think that if the Tories fail to be in power that its a reflection that they were wrong. There are still people who think Brexit was a good idea despite the reality of it biting hard and showing almost 0 upsides. Its cognitive dissonance at its most obvious.
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You have to ask yourself at some point "how the hell are they still in power".

Labour should have had an absolute cakewalk to take control from them but haven't. Its quite astonishing really.

The Tories are fundamentally good at persuading people that they are the best party to run the country despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. Unfortunately their performance doesn't seem to strongly correlate to peoples desire to vote for them.

I think they will lose the next election but I don't think it will be the landslide it should be. How anyone can, with a straight face, vote for them in light of the past decade plus is beyond me but there will be millions who do.
Because they got Brexit done /s
She's so ******* dense, you can hear the solitary dusty cog trying to spin up.

I said this before she was elected. I've had the misfortune of meeting her and she is thick as two short planks. Really.
The only reason she's in power is because people want to use her to meet their goals and she's not smart enough to do otherwise. Nothing more than a thick puppet.
Well that's clearly more hysterical BS given the Home Sec lecturing the police on being less woke yesterday and how Gove went to war on woke training courses.

Labour is the woke party..

All i hear are gums flapping, yet they still do all of the above. Actions speak louder than words
You have to ask yourself at some point "how the hell are they still in power".

Labour should have had an absolute cakewalk to take control from them but haven't. Its quite astonishing really.

The Tories are fundamentally good at persuading people that they are the best party to run the country despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. Unfortunately their performance doesn't seem to strongly correlate to peoples desire to vote for them.

I think they will lose the next election but I don't think it will be the landslide it should be. How anyone can, with a straight face, vote for them in light of the past decade plus is beyond me but there will be millions who do.

Its feels like far too many peoples sense of self is invested in their political affiliation. People seem to think that if the Tories fail to be in power that its a reflection that they were wrong. There are still people who think Brexit was a good idea despite the reality of it biting hard and showing almost 0 upsides. Its cognitive dissonance at its most obvious.

At the last GE, Corbyn was why they lost - plain and simple.
And if tories are destroying thier previous selling point (financial stability) it could be a devastating loss.

What's a typical tory voter? Asset rich? Good pension? Valuable home.
You've got life long tory voters saying they have to switch. They can't vote for her.

What are tories directly responsible for?
Borderline pension collapse, house price crash, stock market crashing.

Well played!

The only ones left to vote tory are the 1 percent. And the stupid.

The elderly will still vote for them.
I think she knows the mortgage situation is ultimately her undoing.

Serious question, everyone has been moaning and whining about house prices for well over a decade. The ONLY way to resolve it is for prices to come down by a crash. And there's no way to do that without harming people on Mortgages.

So i'd like a real world solution from the left that would do this without harming said people. The only one I can think of is somehow freezing the prices in the housing market for 20years while inflation naturally overtakes.

There's no way to correct the market without people going into negative equity and reposessions.
Lol people blaming everything on tories. All mainstream parties are and do the same.

The mortgage issue is because people got too used to crazily low interest rates and over extended themselves.
Serious question, everyone has been moaning and whining about house prices for well over a decade. The ONLY way to resolve it is for prices to come down by a crash. And there's no way to do that without harming people on Mortgages.

So i'd like a real world solution from the left that would do this without harming said people. The only one I can think of is somehow freezing the prices in the housing market for 20years while inflation naturally overtakes.

There's no way to correct the market without people going into negative equity and reposessions.
That's true but I don't remember it being part of her election to leader spiel.
They've been in power for 12 years, who should be blamed?

Anyone else but the people in charge for over a decade.

Always somebody else, must blame somebody else, must also say "what about them?! they are just as bad!" and not answer the question in hand.

There is another guy across the pond still doing that, he recently blame the raid in his house was because the FBI was looking for Clinton's emails...lol
And if tories are destroying thier previous selling point (financial stability) it could be a devastating loss.

What's a typical tory voter? Asset rich? Good pension? Valuable home.
You've got life long tory voters saying they have to switch. They can't vote for her.
I'd probably abstain in the next election unless things get dramatically better between now and then, what "dramatically better" looks like I honestly don't know but the one I do know is that I won't switch. My brain hasn't fallen out of my head yet and you'd have to be mentally ill to vote for those scummy opportunist righteous cretins.

What are tories directly responsible for?
Borderline pension collapse, house price crash, stock market crashing.

Well played!

The only ones left to vote tory are the 1 percent. And the stupid.

I'm far from the 1%, most likely not even in the 5% (I think). But I'm 30 years from claiming any kind of pension and I have personal ones so I'm not relying on the government for any handouts. I'm in my "forever home" so a house price crash doesn't really concern me, just paying off my mortgage and I'm fortunate to just started a 5 year fix that's under 2%. And the stock market crashing only concerns me if the company I work for starts to tighten their belts but they're pretty distant from the financial markets (Media)

The only thing recently that would have seriously impacted me in any way was the energy crisis. I think it was the first time in my life I actually lost sleep over it and stressed me out. But they've fixed that for the next 2 years. If they just stuck to that and reversed the NI and probably raised the threshold of the lowest band before you started paying tax from £12,500 to £15,000. That would have gone down a LOT better than this mess.

So generally I have been and will be shielded from the very worst of the economic turmoil for the next few years but we have plans in place to generate more income in the next 5 years.
Its interesting that any female MP is to be compared to Thatcher in order to be successful, but no male mp is compared to Churchill. These comparisons set dangerous precedents like this lady is not for turning.

Do you think Truss dressing like Thatcher and changing the way she speaks to sound like Thatcher were entirely coincidental, or somehow accidental?
Do you think Truss dressing like Thatcher and changing the way she speaks to sound like Thatcher were entirely coincidental, or somehow accidental?

I think it gets into their heads. Female PMs get compared to Maggie, they start behaving like Maggie they get compared to Maggie. And the circle goes on. And as the cycle continues, ambitious female MPs are going to start behaving like Maggie in order to be perceived as PM material. Female politicians should not need to be a Maggie clone to be successful. I'd like our politicians to have a ounce* of compassion too.

*imperial measurement used to keep JRM happy.
In one sentence you say

The ONLY way to resolve it is for prices to come down by a crash.

And then follow it immediately with
So i'd like a real world solution from the left that would do this without harming said people. The only one I can think of is somehow freezing the prices in the housing market for 20years while inflation naturally overtakes.

So obviously there isn't just one way...

But off the top of my head there's
1) build more houses - to help this use modern techniques and materials to facilitate faster builds at lower construction costs
2) Stop implementing policies that artificially inflate house prices
3) Keep overhauling the tax policy to further dampen housing being used as speculative investment

And I'm sure there are plenty of other ideas out there.

So no, there are more options than ONLY crashing the housing market and causing a lot of pain to a lot of people.
punitive (council) taxes on 2nd homes and buy to rent

She's so ******* dense, you can hear the solitary dusty cog trying to spin up.
Lavrov had it right - her inteviews today - "the deaf speaking to the blind"

Because they got Brexit done /s
and the truth/fallacy of that nettle, Keir/labour have not yet grasped in their manifesto - NIP / foreign workers, investment / trade deals.
They've been in power for 12 years, who should be blamed?

The EU because why not
Corbyn again because hell it's Corbyn

in fact blame anyone other than Tories because they shouldn't have to take responsibility for any of this **** storm they have caused because it was Corbyn...............

am I doing it rite ???
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