Myself and the wife already donate to several charities, and contribute to the local foodbank through our shopping at Tesco's every week, and complete 5 community support days each year through a workplace scheme.
The point I am making, is that if you give financially well off individuals a tax break, they are unlikely to feed it back into the economy, which means you fail to promote growth. The entire premise of these tax cuts is apparently to drive economic growth. Giving me a £1k+ NI break doesn't mean I go out and buy the latest iPhone, or an OLED TV or expensive hobby equipment, as I have those things already. I plough all of that extra cash into my mortgage while still on a fixed term to reduce the interest rate rise I'll be hit with in 2 years time. So the aim of the tax cuts won't be met.
The bit I think is disgusting is that the apparent solution to the hardship being suffered by a large proportion of the country, only due to get worse, is to give the well off a tax break, to have the taxpayer fund the dividends of BP\Shell shareholders (energy cap rather than windfall tax), run up national debt for future tax payers, and neglect any infrastructure investment which actually would improve economic growth.
Someone on minimum wage who can't pay their energy bills, or is about to be hit with a mortgage interest rate rise gets very little support. I, who need zero support whatsover, get plenty. It's disgusting.