The top 1% finance 28% of the personal tax take, that is approximately 630k individuals on PAYE at 150k and over but, there is probably half the same number again outside of PAYE running through limited companies that earn way beyond 150k.
The argument is not about about 1% tax increases for this bunch, the argument is about a broad spectrum of tax increases (IR35 included!) that started 20 years ago and have resulted in the tax grab being enormous on this bunch which then starts to speed up the migration of skilled people abroad.
One of the biggest problems, not addressed in the budget was the year-on-year refusal to raise the tax thresholds inline with inflation which, along with all the other tax grabs of the past 15 years is doing this:
So, when you stand back and consider the overall tax take, all this budget has done is start to roll-back from where we were in 2018.