I've already said before - the fairest tax cut would have been to keep the bandings the same and lift the basic allowance to £17,290. This is the same as the NMW for a 40 hour weekly wage (35 hour plus 1 hour unpaid break each day for 8 hour day).
This would give the lowest paid a huge lift out of poverty whilst also giving everyone else in the higher bands an equivalent monetary lift as well.
This would have been fairer than giving the chunk of a tax break to the higher paid by cutting the top rate of tax. Note that these higher and highest rate tax payers would get the same cut as their basic tax won't start till £5k later i.e. everyone benefits with the lowest benefiting more as a proportion.
Also note (as evidenced by this very thread) - more of this would end up back in the economy as the lower paid spend it rather than squirrelling it away as wealthy people do.
But that would mean the poor would be better off?