So I thought VA panels were not meant to really incur the glow / blacklight bleed problems of their IPS brethren. Bought a Samsung 34 CF791, and while I am surprised at how much I like 34" ultra widescreen (it really is good), I am disappointed at black levels (alongside reading text which is a little uncomfortable). When I compare it to my 902b TV there is a night and day difference.
Is the below normal / acceptable (brightness at 35%)? Bearing in mind it is the bottom left corner where it is truly noticable that black isn't really black. I mean it is not like it is a bad monitor (it has zero dead pixels and is pretty as a monitor and the curve is perfect) it is just at £800 when I compare it to the TV I spent £1400 on (but which is 240% bigger and has a FALD) I do feel the picture quality is notably worse.