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2900XT or 640GTS?

willhub said:
Look, i'll get the HD2900XT, if its trash, i'll cry and sell it and get a GTS, if its good, i'll wait for it to improve.

The devil you know, is better than the devil you don't. If you're happy with what you have, it's usually best not to rock the boat.
Personally I'd stick with the GTS, why?, because it does everything the 2900 does, the cards are both equal and special in there own ways, god forbid you ever have to make a choice out a pair of women Will, you'd have an aneurysm :p .
Tom|Nbk said:
Personally I'd stick with the GTS, why?, because it does everything the 2900 does, the cards are both equal and special in there own ways, god forbid you ever have to make a choice out a pair of women Will, you'll have an aneurysm

I'd take both women tbh ;)

I'm taking the HD2900XT, its gotta be gd enough.
willhub said:
An HD2900XT will last me utnill september when I get a G92 or whatever is around for £300 then.

I will be happy with the HD2900XT I think, I been feeling like this before, then i'm happy.

If you're just gonna upgrade again in Sept, why are you even considering swapping cards around? The HD2900XT's only major advantage over the 8800GTS is it's long-term aspects.

Having said that the high end G92 will definitely be over £300, the 8800GTX was £500 on release iirc, the GTS wasn't exactly cheap either. Although prices dropped very quickly because not many people were buying them at such high prices :p
Boogle said:
If you're just gonna upgrade again in Sept, why are you even considering swapping cards around? The HD2900XT's only major advantage over the 8800GTS is it's long-term aspects.

Having said that the high end G92 will definitely be over £300, the 8800GTX was £500 on release iirc, the GTS wasn't exactly cheap either. Although prices dropped very quickly because not many people were buying them at such high prices :p

I'll get the GTS of the G92 lol.
Tom|Nbk said:
Personally I'd stick with the GTS, why?, because it does everything the 2900 does, the cards are both equal and special in there own ways, god forbid you ever have to make a choice out a pair of women Will, you'd have an aneurysm :p .

Tom|Nbk said:
They havnt fixed AA yet, the card suffers in some titles but not by a huge margin, normally in 95% of the cases it beats the gts or is on par, I certainly wouldnt write it off and say it cant do AA AT ALL like you did above :o , yet again another broad sweeping statement from a GTS owner. Sigh. More performance fixes are yet to come once they do 100% cases it will be faster or at least 99%.

WTF make your mind up. :confused:

Surely hes gona be better off getting the XT then if its going to be about 100% faster, hows the XT being 100% faster than the GTS equal. :confused:
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LoadsaMoney said:
WTF make your mind up. :confused:

Surely hes gona be better off getting the XT then if its going to be 100% faster, or 99% faster.

Will clearly cant make his mind up, hes got a GTS atm and has his doubts with the HD2900, I just feel in HIS case its best to stick with what he knows best.
Tom|Nbk said:
Will clearly cant make his mind up, hes got a GTS atm and has his doubts with the HD2900, I just feel in HIS case its best to stick with what he knows best.

I said that?

Dont you worry, mymind is made up, its a MASSIVE risk, but hell i'm going to take it.
Cyber-Mav said:
yes take the risk, i require to see you cry afterwards. :p

No problem :D

Anyway, hopefully thursday i'll have the HD2900XT, tommorow I will take some 8800GTS benchmarks and on thursday do the HD2900XT stuff, I will wait abit too with the HD2900XT and see what happenes with drivers. tbh, I'll proberbly think, eh, wtf its performing just like a GTS and i'll be happy.
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willhub said:
No problem :D

Anyway, hopefully thursday i'll have the HD2900XT, tommorow I will take some 8800GTS benchmarks and on thursday do the HD2900XT stuff, I will wait abit too with the HD2900XT and see what happenes with drivers. tbh, I'll proberbly think, eh, wtf its performing just like a GTS and i'll be happy.

whats wrong with your gts that your switching to a 2900?
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