300 *spoilers*

I really enjoyed this film, lots of energy and good cinematics. Acting seemed spot on for me though it must have been hard for them seeming as though they were constantly stuck in front of a blue screen.

I dont think it was hyped up at all, then again i didnt bother reading anything about the film. Simple way to keep your expectations normal :)
I went to see this earlier tonight, loved every minute of it! I thought it was fantastic.
Got some great quotes in that film too :p ... And Leonidas beard, my word - he didn't need a sword, just use that thing! :eek:
dmpoole said:
Well theres a film worse than 300 out at the moment - Sunshine.
Complete garbage.

thats completey irrelevant youve mentioned you dont like the film, stop babbling on about it.
Tommy B said:
Going to el cinema tonight. This or shooter?
I've not seen shooter but given the premise, the cast and the fact that its all been done before I'd choose 300 (which I have seen)
Gilly said:
I've not seen shooter but given the premise, the cast and the fact that its all been done before I'd choose 300 (which I have seen)

I agree when i saw the trailer for shooter, i couldn't help thinking i have seen something like that many times before.
"Give them nothing! . . . . . . . but take from them . . . . . . . EVERYTHING!"

such a cOOl line! I'm just waiting for the chance to use it :D
Well for starters, my bro only just told me it was done like Sin City where all the backgrounds were animated/CG and I didn't even notice.

In LOTR the CG bits stood out like a pink tent in an army camp.
Tommy B said:
In LOTR the CG bits stood out like a pink tent in an army camp.

I honestly dont know why people talk so much rubbish on the internet.

Mind you, if you didnt notice the CG backgrounds in 300 then you must have some sort of eyesight issues. Um, red/ellow sky etc..?
Scam said:
I honestly dont know why people talk so much rubbish on the internet.

Mind you, if you didnt notice the CG backgrounds in 300 then you must have some sort of eyesight issues. Um, red/ellow sky etc..?

A common technique in film making is to adjust the colours of an image, or render colour tones to achieve effect. As a matter of fact, whenever you see a dark scene in a film, it will almost always be filmed in extremely bright light and then manipulated in post production to appear dark.
Tommy B said:
A common technique in film making is to adjust the colours of an image, or render colour tones to achieve effect. As a matter of fact, whenever you see a dark scene in a film, it will almost always be filmed in extremely bright light and then manipulated in post production to appear dark.

Thanks for that extremely patronising tidbit, but what has that got to do with anything?

I was pointing out how shocking it was you didnt realise any of it was CG, then that maybe it was feasible, if you thought the CG in LOTRs stood out like a pink army tent.
The style did help disguise the fact a lot of it was CG. By looking at unnatural colourings you tend to be distracted from the fact that what you're seeing is actually CG.

Anyway, each to their own.
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