300 *spoilers*

Saw this last night, and will undoubtedly be seeing it again, damned fine film! Loved the first phalanx segment "PUSH!" *stab* owned :D

And the earlier scene when they meet the Arcadians on the hill "Spartans, what is your profession!?". awesome :D

Very very thrilling film, with a nicely done storyline, all the famous quotes in there "Then we will fight in the shade!", "Come and take them!". Awesome.


Go watch it! :D
I thought it was brilliant. It looked superb from start to finish. It felt very much like I was watching a comic book all the way through, which is probably what they were trying to achieve.

It may not have been historically accurate but then who cares! It's not as if the historical account of the battle is 100% accurate and unbiased either...
chino said:
It may not have been historically accurate but then who cares! It's not as if the historical account of the battle is 100% accurate and unbiased either...

Indeed, there are some who say the persian numbers were likely to be less than 200,000 - some say 5 million. There is no perfectly accurate account, only what can be interpreted from many sources.

But the main points were there :p
ChroniC said:
Just smacked of how can we end this film really quickly without any sort of thought. If so many walked away, they cant have been that surrounded, whats the point of waiting till you are to die for glory. Pah, who wrote this.

There was a non-spartan guard on the west pass, but they were taken by surprise (not expecting the treachery of the outcast) and forced higher up the mountain, allowing the persians to encircle the spartans.
Surrounding the first gate by taking this west pass was unavoidable for the Greeks, by the time they knew of the betrayal the persians were already past the guard.

They stayed to slow Xerxes advance so that the lone spartan could get back and rouse the army. If they had all left they would have been run down by cavalry and slaughtered leaving nobody to forewarn/prepare the cities. It was utterly vital to delay the persians, this is why the 300 stayed.

Epic movie, thought the start could have drawn me in a bit more, but the rest was fatastic, fantastic fights, and the little comical bits inbetween helped to break it up.
KASM said:
Ah I see what you're 'trying' to say and failing.
ok, you posted your opinion of the movie which is fine, but since then your posts have just been pointless trolling. i could understand if you were at least debating about the movie, but you're not even trying - you're just blatantly trolling the thread and making insulting posts.

great way to get your point accross.
seek said:
ok, you posted your opinion of the movie which is fine, but since then your posts have just been pointless trolling. i could understand if you were at least debating about the movie, but you're not even trying - you're just blatantly trolling the thread and making insulting posts.

great way to get your point accross.

Oh I see, so I'm a troll for pointing out that people posting negative reviews in 'your' precious thread are attacked for having an opposing view. below is some quotes from the people 'debating' the films merits.

Scam said:
I struggle to understand people sometimes. You said you watched the trailer, but then you thought it looked too fake? :confused: But you said you watched the trailer! What were you expecting! Oh, something like Troy? So a shined-up turd in the form of Brad Pitt larking around in a dress? :p.

Neon said:
lol n00b alert.

300 owns TMNT

Scam said:
So, essentially you're trolling this thread then..

You've established the fact you dont like the film, what exactly do you want to achieve by posting something like that? The way it was filmed is awful? Pull the other one.

Big.Wayne said:
Just ignore people who slate such a great film, they just don't get it and its their loss! (I wonder if these critics of 300 actually like any films at all?) ;)

I've heard all kinds of criticism on this one and its always really picky, a bit like someone who goes to a steak-house and then complains because their salad garnish isn't quite right :D

Steedie said:
Can you leave this thread now? You're becoming rather boring.

divine_madness said:
that's more your own fault for expecting it to be something that it made very clear it wasn't.
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absolutly fantastic film - and i was surprised at the no bad language theme... haha!

brilliantly filmed, slow motion scenes were great!

blown away

go watch it!
Sweet Jesus, this film was bad. I saw it about a week ago and I thought I'd give it some time before posting about it in case I came round to it, but no chance. It was poorly acted, it had no plot, it was embarrassingly clichéd and the action scenes were (a) predictable, and (b) not that great anyway. Certainly nowhere near as breath-taking as the hype suggested.

I'm normally a big fan of 'epic' movies that tread a fine line between 'awesome' and 'boring and predictable' (see: Gladiator, Troy, Lord of the Rings) but this was a whole new class of awful.

Partly this was due to disappointment (it had been hyped to death) but even taking that into account I would have expected it to be better. Urgh.
Arcade Fire said:

Was almost how i felt about it, i wouldnt say it was poorly acted as such, not much they could work with and it was supposed to be like the comic in terms of how OTT they were.
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Blokey57 said:
Was almost how i felt about it, i wouldnt say it was poorly acted as such, not much they could work with and it was supposed to be like the comic in terms of how OTT they were.

I'd actually agree that it was poorly acted. At times, hearing Gerard Butler's emphatic shouting made me cringe. It felt like listening to someone trying far too hard to sound like the testicularily endowed King Leonidas as opposed to me making really believe he was him. Or at least even the "comicbook version" of him.
Style, no substance. I wouldn't say the acting was bad, but that they had not much to actually act. The battles were pretty and gruesome, though the extreme masculinity and lots of boobies do show that this was born out of a comic. I did laugh in the sex scene, when they went doggie style :D

It's a good movie, and worth watching, its just not brilliant in any particular way.
SiD the Turtle said:
Style, no substance. I wouldn't say the acting was bad, but that they had not much to actually act. The battles were pretty and gruesome, though the extreme masculinity and lots of boobies do show that this was born out of a comic. I did laugh in the sex scene, when they went doggie style :D

It's a good movie, and worth watching, its just not brilliant in any particular way.

i'd pretty much echo this statement. style no substance. even then it really didnt do anything for me.
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