300 *spoilers*

AJUK said:
I am not sure about that, almost every Greek statue and later Roman ones showed idealistic male images (Harmodius and Aristogeiton, Discobolus, Poseidon and the Elgin Marbles as examples). Perhaps normal men didn't have six packs, much like today, but as with all legends the participants are elevated to near god like status. As stated in the story, Spartans were supposed to be descended from Hercules himself - they would have to have six packs, a gut from too much wine and whenching wouldn't have the same impact.

What strange reading material for a teenage boy! :eek: ;) :D

A six pack isn't down to large muscle mass though, it's down to low body fat, so six packs in the greek times were probably common.

Loving the "Extreme muscular development" caption, it's funny how things change.
I was dissapointed in the ending of this film. They fought so hard alone at the start, so why did they seem to give up so easily at the end. Ruined the film for me.
ChroniC said:
I was dissapointed in the ending of this film. They fought so hard alone at the start, so why did they seem to give up so easily at the end. Ruined the film for me.

They didn't give up, they were surrounded, the enemy was higher giving them a distinct advantage, they knew they were going to die due to the situation, the whole point was to take a shot at Xerxes
Phate said:
They didn't give up, they were surrounded, the enemy was higher giving them a distinct advantage, they knew they were going to die due to the situation, the whole point was to take a shot at Xerxes

Just smacked of how can we end this film really quickly without any sort of thought. If so many walked away, they cant have been that surrounded, whats the point of waiting till you are to die for glory. Pah, who wrote this.
And the character plot of that guy and his son, i could have told you that was coming instantly. Not to mention the, oh sending the freak away, im sure thats not going to somehow play in your demise. :rolleyes: please!

Im 50/50 at the moment on if this was any good. Credit goes out to the filmography and the way it created, but if i wrote this i would hang my head in shame.
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ChroniC said:
whats the point of waiting till you are to die for glory.

Its Spartan culture

ChroniC said:
And the character plot of that guy and his son, i could have told you that was coming instantly. Not to mention the, oh sending the freak away, im sure thats not going to somehow play in your demise. :rolleyes: please!

Although I do agree that the plot was a little weak, yet the whole story was about the battle of Thermopylae and anyone who knew about it beforehand would have seen those things coming! Like many here have said, its a blokes film that centres around the fight scenes and not an "epic" on the scale of Lord of the Rings (which many people ive spoken to were expecting!).

As its a blokes film it doesnt really want you to think, youre just supposed to sit back and watch the Spartans fight, be inspired and love the cinematography.
Spartan culture never to surrender and never to retreat and death on the battlefield was the greatest glory a spartan could acheive. thats why they didnt run away. ;)
amazing film, thoroughly enjoyed.

The only thing I can criticise is that even though there's loads of blood flying out of the persians, if you look at the ground, there's actually none on the floor what so ever even though its pouring out of the bad guys.
Phalanx said:
The only thing I can criticise is that even though there's loads of blood flying out of the persians, if you look at the ground, there's actually none on the floor what so ever even though its pouring out of the bad guys.

I noticed that, like he slashed a guy across the throat and there was no wound there! Although I then saw a leg come flying across the screen and that caught my attention :D The blood didnt quite look real, to much textured like water, sort of spoiled it but at the same time gave it Frank Miller style. Still IMO a superb film.
seek said:
yeah that bugged me too. it looked as though it was magnified. hard to explain, but suffice to say it just didn't look right.

top movie nonetheless though.

Yeh, it looked liked red water, and too CG, spoiled it a bit, but im not one to complain with limbs and blood flying about on screen!
I watched the 1962 version earlier today and didn't think much of that so I haven't got very high hopes for the new version. I think I'll probably find myself agreeing with tom_nieto and Nitefly after watching it next week.
mks2005 said:
Wow, thank god it appears at least someone has some sense. I've numerous 'great' reviews and high scores, and quite frankly, cannot understand how so many people thought it was so good.

I was genuinely excited to be seeing this movie. The trailers made me think I was in for a powerful epic. It saddens and disappoints me to say that this was far from the case.

Visually, yes it was appealling. But I can't help but agree with all of Nitefly's points. I just didn't care about anything in the film. The fight scenes were the only thing that the movie had to offer, and once you'd seen 5 minutes of stabbing, you'd seen it all.

And was this not the cheesiest movie ever? The sex scene at the start was laughable. So was the majority of the dialogue. There was so much potential but it just fell flat on it's face.

I have to agree. After watching the trailer I was expecting something to rival Troy with the special effects of LOTR. It looked to fake almost like a video game.

I don't think the actors where much good either, I just couldn't get involved with the characters.
It was an okay film, just back from watching it now.

My friends didnt really like it though, one of them said he would have rather gone and watched sandra bullock!

My favourite bits were when the arcadians were asked their professions and then the spartans went HOOOOOO in their war chant voice. And the other is when they actually used tactics near the beginning of the way with the shields.

The film could have been about 200 times better though if half the slow motion was not slow motion and then they used the gained time to implement more instances of the tactical side of war. The film was otherwise a massive massacre of individual skill, mixed in with various forms of monsters. There was too much slow motion and that really made the cgi blood look awful.

Its a shame really as the trailer looked amazing, but overall, an okay film that for me was a dissappointment! :(:(:(
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