300 *spoilers*

m0r94n said:
"Based on" are the key words. Just cause its based on something doesnt mean it has to stick to every miniscule detail. There are thousands of films that could be criticised by your logic!

Whilst im here, did anyone notice the little error in the bit with the priests or whatever on the mountain. They say Leonidas cannot go to war in August, yet August was not a recognised calendar month until 8 BC. The Battle of Thermopylae was in 480 BC.

If they were going to get pedantic about minute details, then the line "Tonight we dine in Hell" should have been "Tonight we dine in Hades", as Hades was seen as the Greek underworld and the God of the Dead and is what Leonidas is actually purported to have said on the final day of the battle. Of course,this is hollywood and they are not going to be making sure every damn thing adheres to Greek tradition and historical accuracy are they, otherwise the vast majority of viewers wouldn't understand a thing. :)

They can't win, if they try and make it understandable they get criticised for not being historically accurate enough and if they stick to a stringently accurate script they will be moaned at for making it to complex.
I think you're still missing the point. It's a film based on a graphic novel. It's essentially not based on historical events at all. Why do people get so worked up about this?
I noticed that too, people who have said it was crap to me worked on the basis that it wasn't historically accurate... missing the very point that the graphic novel wasn't, nor did it intend to be. Oh well, there's no pleasing some!
I personally thought it was an excellent film and can't wait to see it in HD :)
Blooming awesome film. So entertaining. Loved the battles. Was quality when they first 'got it on'...and the army charges at them; shields go down, feet get stuck in and then...blammo! Wicked stuff. Could watch it again when it comes out on DVD.




with gramps on the front line!
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HAHAHA @ gramps, yeah that was on bbc2 on saturday wasn't it, a didn't watch the old version but funny cause i saw 300 saturday night.
Great film, a comic book on the screen, really enjoyed the film and the "atmosphere" of the thing.

The bit where he fell's the rhino was my particulary farvourite.

^ haha I was talking about that the other day

Although Achilles would own, seeing as he's an immortal (bar his achilles obviously) son of a god. While Leonidas was just a rock hard king, what made him so great though was the army he fought with, Achilles had his own army the Myrmidon, but still he was a bit of a one mad band as well when he needed to be

And about the film, I loved it, it was everything I was expecting. I'm fascinated by this history period so will enjoy it anyway. Fortunatley I'm not one of those people who grumble at the historic inaccuracies :p but just enjoy it for what it is, a damn good film

9/10 for me, only reason its not a 10 is there should have been more fighting hehe

Wow what a great film! A real 'visual spectacle' to behold. :eek:
Take a huge amount of testosterone, add a little pinch of 'Gladiator', a few sprinkles of 'Return of The King' and a large portion of 'Troy'.

It's nice for once that the actual film lives up to the expectations you get from seeing the trailer, think I will have to watch this again soon! :)
Went to see this last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting an 'epic', i knew to expect an action film based on a comic book, based on a film, based on historical events with a bit of fantasy thrown in. And thats what i got, ok so some of the acting wasn't fantastic and the story was a bit thin, but what was there, was highly entertaining and something i will definitely watch again.

"You don't go to Hooters for the chicken wings - no matter what you might tell your wife - and you're not going to 300 for the plot nuances." from a critic on Richmond.com

I thought that is what the film should be treated with, it never pretend to be something else. That said thou i thought although it looks great, after the first 2 fight scene it kinda got repetitive. Spear - poke, poke again, wack with shield, swing sword. There wasn't much use of tactics, it was all slash and dash with a lot of slow-mo. I would have liked longer scenes with the elephants and Rhino's, instead of more speak throwing and over the cliff in 5 seconds (in slow mo again).

Also, what's with them being defeated so easily at the end, they had a phalanx to protect from the arrows but then all of the sudden it fails and everyone just dies. Almost seems like a cop out to me.

p.s. What's with all the un-necessary nudity ? Not that i am against it, that Oracle girl has a smoking body and the queen does as well but seeing that sex scene in slow mo did not add anything to the plot at all, with all the positions they were doing in slow-mo i almost burst out laughing in the cinema.
Raymond Lin said:
Also, what's with them being defeated so easily at the end, they had a phalanx to protect from the arrows but then all of the sudden it fails and everyone just dies. Almost seems like a cop out to me.

They were completely surrounded dude, they had no chance, the minute they broke that phalanx they were dead, so unless they just sat there forever they were going to have to go out and fight sometime.
pyro said:
And Xerex wasn't a crossdressing giant :confused:
I thought the casting for Xerxes was perfect! Nothing like what he would have looked like historically of course, but how can you argue when they turn him into DARTH VADER? :D I expected him to tell Leonidas "Join me and we will rule the universe as father and son!"
Raymond Lin said:
p.s. What's with all the un-necessary nudity ? Not that i am against it, that Oracle girl has a smoking body and the queen does as well but seeing that sex scene in slow mo did not add anything to the plot at all, with all the positions they were doing in slow-mo i almost burst out laughing in the cinema.

Yup I was exactly the same. They were pointlessly "tacked on", which only added to the films hamminess. Judging by this thread it really doesn't take much to impress some people... :D
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