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3080 / 3090 / 3070 Gigabyte Eagle Gaming OC & Vision Power Connector Concerns

Edit*** just saw the response GIGA-man gave thx

That is not good to hear at all you could damage the card having force things and then the connectors not being correctly connected ... my advice and as the UK rep as stated.. Is to contact Gigabyte direct for country your in as they will certainly know more about this than the reseller does..This applies to all Non UK Buyers.

I would also get the reseller where you bought the card from to acknowledge there is an issue by linking this thread as it shows clearly there is a problem as stated by the Gigabyte Rep here.

Also please post up some photos if you wish..As evidence. It builds a better case re this problem going forward .

Its the main reason the threads here for.

Now there seems to be a problem where Non UK buyers are having problems and there reseller not knowing about this problem.. and lets be clear here there is a problem... well on the early stock with the defective blocks that is.

Gigabyte needs to address this and to help all buyers no matter which country your from and get it turned around with replaced fixed card.

@GIGA-Man As great full as i am that your able to help out UK buyers.. can you please advise the non UK buyers what there options are here...Surly Gigabyte need to make things clear re this issue. People that are Non UK need to know where they stand with this .. my guess depending how many of these cards with the defective blocks are out in the wild ..then its only going to get worse with more reports cropping up.

I will have to update the OP what there options are for Non UK buyers.

I'm curious to hear about this as well. Proper service of defective Gigabyte cards should be independent of the country of purchase. It seems that @Menno ter Laak is simply sent back to the reseller and Gigabyte NL is ignoring the problem. Gigabyte produced low-end connectors so it would be fair if Gigabyte solves the problem.
My Gigabyte 3090 Gaming OC will come on monday.

Can you please help me find a Swedish representative as I'm going to run into this issue most likely as I like to rebuild my computer into new cases quite often - at least once a year.

I would very much appreciate it.

I have contacted eSupport, but honestly I'm not hopeful for a useful answer.

I will post it here when I get it, but I would be very happy if a Swedish representative existed.

Thank you in advance for your help.
I have 3090 gaming OC which I got on release date. Currently getting regular Crashes to desktop. Initially thought it may have been boosting problems but even with updated drivers and downclocking I'm still seeing the issue. Will be checking the power connectors tomorrow to see if they maybe contributing.
I have 3090 gaming OC which I got on release date. Currently getting regular Crashes to desktop. Initially thought it may have been boosting problems but even with updated drivers and downclocking I'm still seeing the issue. Will be checking the power connectors tomorrow to see if they maybe contributing.

Keep us posted.
I have 3090 gaming OC which I got on release date. Currently getting regular Crashes to desktop. Initially thought it may have been boosting problems but even with updated drivers and downclocking I'm still seeing the issue. Will be checking the power connectors tomorrow to see if they maybe contributing.

I saw this in your thread... i am intrigued if its the connectors causing the problem for you.... will know once you have a look
I have two 3080 gaming oc cards on it's way to me from my reseller, they got sent yesterday. It would be great if Gigabyte would let us know from which serial nr they have the "new" connectors mounted.
Or if there is anyway you could see if the card has the "new" connectors.
Does anyone have an estimate how many are affected by this issue. In under two days I'll have my card and I'm serious nervous about even connecting it.
So today, I removed drivers completely and re-installed latest set just to eliminate driver issues.
My boy wanted to to play some fortnite so thought it would be a good time to test any CTD's. 3 in a 1 hour window.

As promised, checked the power connectors afterwards. I'll be honest they don't look too bad the top left pin looks a little skewed but otherwise they all look central. they're a little loose when touching with a screwdriver but the power connectors went back on with no issue.

Hey, sorry no I don't have any info on that. If you mail the local office, you can find the contact details on the GIGABYTE website under contact us. I'm sure they'll reply and let you know.

Hey GIGA-Man, I am a customer from the Netherlands experiencing the same issue as described here. What can I do? I can't find any contact details. I already mailed the co.uk address that was posted here but I noticed that it's probably only for UK customers.
Thank you for letting us know .. is the card not working at all ?

I had a lot of difficulty getting the power connector at the end of the card inserted. I finally got it in with a lot of wiggling and more force than should be required. Card appears to be working fine but I fear the connection is not good and problems will arise in the future. I think I will wait a few months and RMA the card when the inventory improves and I can be sure the replacement will be a card with the revised connectors.
can't you just get a pair of soldering tweezers and pull the pins so they lock into place?

Sounds like the pins haven't been seated correctly and are pushed slightly back so a bit loose.

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