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3080TI launching this year $999 with 20GB VRAM

Still @ 8k those results are awesome and plenty of room for 4k 120hz possible with a 3090. As you say, all we've seen yet is marketing stuff from Nvidia and 3rd party professional reviews will sort the wheat from the chaff. When is the NDA lifted for 3rd party reviews? You know - or rumoured?

Agreed, 8K is a pretty hefty leap, so that's impressive. Sure, very few people will be gaming at 8K but makes for impressive reading. Still curious just how much faster the 3090 is. On paper, it's not as big a leap as 3070 to 3080 but time will tell.
Probably cause there wasn't a 790, 990, 1090 or 2090. When there was a 590 & 690 there wasn't a 580ti or 680ti.

So the pattern has changed.

I agree there is a gap for another card. I just don't believe we can make any assumptions about it's specs at the moment (except for it'll be faster than 3080 and slower than 3090)

Fair point on the naming scheme dude. There definitely will be cards released between the 3080 and 3090, I guess it’s whether they call them “Ti” or super duper or whatever. I’m betting on a “Ti” variant though....
Fair point on the naming scheme dude. There definitely will be cards released between the 3080 and 3090, I guess it’s whether they call them “Ti” or super duper or whatever. I’m betting on a “Ti” variant though....
God I hope it's not super. Frankly I'd rather they started using the numbers between 3080 and 3090 so I don't have to keep specifying non-ti or non-super.
There was a Titan X (Maxwell), Titan X (Pascale), Titan Xp and RTX Titan though

The '3090' seems to have taken their place.

In one of the other threads, Kaapstad reckons the 3090 isn't the Titan as the 3090 still isn't using the full die! Guess he'd know a fair bit as he's been buying them most generations and would be what he's most interested in. Something else to consider whilst we are still in the unknown.
Idk, would it even be attractive at the price point? The more I think about it, the more I'm ok with 3080 10GB. If I buy the 3080 10GB for $700, use it for 2 years and then sell it for $500 before next arch change, that's $500 that can go for what's going to be a, let's say, $700-$800 4080 which will be likely 30% faster and have more vram in the first place, and I still have the $300 I didn't spend for the 20GB 3080. Sure, the 3080 Ti might have 5-10% more performance, but meh, and as for pushing >10 GB, probably not for those 2 years, so less to worry about.
In one of the other threads, Kaapstad reckons the 3090 isn't the Titan as the 3090 still isn't using the full die! Guess he'd know a fair bit as he's been buying them most generations and would be what he's most interested in. Something else to consider whilst we are still in the unknown.

It's certainly using the 102 die size.

3080 = GA102-200
3090 = GA102-300
It's certainly using the 102 die size.

3080 = GA102-200
3090 = GA102-300

I meant Kaap reckons it's not using ALL the die size. I dunno, just summat else now in the back of my mind. Getting more towards waiting for the rest of the stack to be released rather than jump on now. Though when it comes to 3090 being available and mix some alcohol in of an eve, I'll be the one on a monday morning with a box I don't remember ordering :D
The Titan has always an Nvidia-only part, so there might well be a Titan that sits above the 3090; the price difference, the clock speeds, the 24gbs of ram the 3090 looks like a Titan to me; but this is the Titan they'll let 3rd parties make. There's no way they'll leave a gap of 14gb between their two high end cards, regardless of vram speed 10gb it barely enough for 4k or greater resolutions, I'd put money on a 16-20gb Ti before the end of the year, for the people running 4k+ monitors or high end VR headsets.
The Titan has always an Nvidia-only part, so there might well be a Titan that sits above the 3090; the price difference, the clock speeds, the 24gbs of ram the 3090 looks like a Titan to me; but this is the Titan they'll let 3rd parties make. There's no way they'll leave a gap of 14gb between their two high end cards, regardless of vram speed 10gb it barely enough for 4k or greater resolutions, I'd put money on a 16-20gb Ti before the end of the year, for the people running 4k+ monitors or high end VR headsets.

I'm not 100% but I think the actual Titan core was abandoned.
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