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30xx Series Founders Edition

the 20GB 3080 will probably fill the £1000 gap in the line-up so won't do much for prices. But then I am cynical.
Dumb question - if all they do is change the the memory, and you aren't memory-bound in a game, I assume it will perform near-identical to the 10GB version? for primarily 1440p folks like myself, I think the 10GB version will be fine for the next 2 years at least. Can then go for a higher GB version in the 4000 series ;)
Dumb question - if all they do is change the the memory, and you aren't memory-bound in a game, I assume it will perform near-identical to the 10GB version? for primarily 1440p folks like myself, I think the 10GB version will be fine for the next 2 years at least. Can then go for a higher GB version in the 4000 series ;)

The "20GB version" is a figment of the imagination until Nvidia actually confirm its existence. They haven't even properly released the 10GB version yet.

To answer your question, yes it would perform exactly the same which is why it won't actually exist.
The "20GB version" is a figment of the imagination until Nvidia actually confirm its existence. They haven't even properly released the 10GB version yet.

To answer your question, yes it would perform exactly the same which is why it won't actually exist.
Haha, good point, but I think we can be reasonably confident. I certainly won't be paying a £150-200 premium for more memory I won't utilise.
The "20GB version" is a figment of the imagination until Nvidia actually confirm its existence. They haven't even properly released the 10GB version yet.

To answer your question, yes it would perform exactly the same which is why it won't actually exist.

Latest info out there signals Nvidia are moving the 3080/3090 over to TSMC's 7nm process. This will mean the same GPU design will clock higher, use less power (lower TDP, lower heat output) and will get the 20GB VRAM at the same time. This is likely be released as the 3080ti.

Going from Samsung's 8nm to TSMC's 7nm will likely give 10-20% more performance, though this is just an estimate.
Latest info out there signals Nvidia are moving the 3080/3090 over to TSMC's 7nm process. This will mean the same GPU design will clock higher, use less power (lower TDP, lower heat output) and will get the 20GB VRAM at the same time. This is likely be released as the 3080ti.

Going from Samsung's 8nm to TSMC's 7nm will likely give 10-20% more performance, though this is just an estimate.

None of that is official is it?

The point I'm getting at is that there won't be a 20GB version of the 3080. Of course, there will be other GPUs released that have more power, memory etc.. as is always the case. I highly doubt that we'll see any new GPU to rival the 3080 within 6 months of the 3080 release, let alone within 6 weeks as a lot of people seem to be expecting.
Latest info out there signals Nvidia are moving the 3080/3090 over to TSMC's 7nm process. This will mean the same GPU design will clock higher, use less power (lower TDP, lower heat output) and will get the 20GB VRAM at the same time. This is likely be released as the 3080ti.

Going from Samsung's 8nm to TSMC's 7nm will likely give 10-20% more performance, though this is just an estimate.
£999 or 1,099 MSRP I reckon. Then add on the £100 retailer tax, for the card simply existing. No thanks.
Yep, I will be but I'm in no rush atm. I still have a quick look at the NV website once per day on the off-chance something does appear. Seems more likely they're gonna appear on Amazon or somewhere else in the short term.
Nvidia have said themselves that they are offloading selling the FEs to other suppliers, so I don’t think it’ll be appearing on there any time soon. In the case of the US it is Best Buy, in the EU based on those hidden links it may will be Amazon.
Well I'm done bothering. Going to finished my retro gaming systems with new old hardware instead.

I'll both next year, see if what AMD does, and if NVIDIA really are refreshing on 7nm.
Nvidia have said themselves that they are offloading selling the FEs to other suppliers, so I don’t think it’ll be appearing on there any time soon. In the case of the US it is Best Buy, in the EU based on those hidden links it may will be Amazon.
Maybe that'll be the case but from a post in their forums they make it sound like a temporary thing that FE's won't be purchasable directly from NV. Of course that could mean they'll sell direct and also still via third parties once they've revamped their shopping aspect of the site. I was one who raised an issue with their rather **** shopping experience given it's a high tech company :D.
I'd be more than happy to buy via Amazon so hope NV set themselves up on there for EU purchases.
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