Received my 4080FE on sunday, must say im happy with the performance its giving me i was getting 50-60fps depending on game scenarios on screen with Division 2 and now 111-117fps with the same ultra settings 3840x2160 all be it an older game, callisto protocol was another i tried without RT its sat at the cap of 119fps for the C2 screen i use with full RT HDR on im seeing anywhere late 50's to 72fps again depending on game load with FSR switched on its well over 100fps, resident evil village with RT on its sat at around the cap to. Other things im happy about are 1 the fans dont sound like a jet engine inside my rig and secondly the power draw is ridiculously low in comparison to the 3080FE and lastly the red and white company that sounds similar to sex are offering £438 for the 3080FE so i personally think the uplift and reduction in power draw was worth the difference i paid after selling the 3080.
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