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3d Mark 06 scores thread

set up as in sig


mem 792

very happy wiht that

Looks a lot nicer than 3dmark05, glad they upped the res :)

AMD X2 4800+
7800 GTX

4816 with everything at stock, should easily get over 5 when i get into this system. Quite pleased.
Will I have the lowest??

Shuttle SN85G4
Athlon64 3000+
1gb RAM (2700 speed)
Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb

3DMark Score: 702
SM2.0 Score: 338
HRD/SM3.0 Score: N/A
CPU Score: 734

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Now with overclock:

Athlon X2 3800 @ 2.5GHz, 7800GT @ 470/1134

3DMark Score 4327 3DMarks

SM 2.0 Score 1731 Marks

SM 3.0 Score 1699 Marks

CPU Score 1827 Marks
This is embarrassing....2035

Latest Cats (6.1) after a clean format and reinstall of XP on Sunday.....

SM2: 1143
CPU: 633

I didnt bother setting my Gfx card drivers to performance rather than the high quality, some how i dont think it will make that much difference.

Pfft...who cares i can still run BF2 at 1280x1024,2xAA,Max settings at the 50fps mark.....more than enough.
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