3D Prints Gallery

Its been decades since I was into 40k and used to paint my own stuff, the eyes arent what they once were, perhaps printing larger models and painting them would be cheaper than laser eye surgery so I could see well enough to paint the small stuff

Right, I've just rebuilt my printer having removed the LCD and tidied the wiring up, pressure advance, bed leveling and input shaping all done, going to print this at 50%.....

Lets see how it goes this time...
Someone must have it as theres a post pages back with a load of different Lego Starwars figures..
Yeah, I have the Stormtrooper one, it comes broken down and you can simply print the part, in the correct colour, then built it all up.
Yeah Vader and stormtrooper here. Recently printed a xenomorph before figuring out where to place it - common theme with my prints.
Happy with the quality but supports were a pita. Will see if I can get some pics uploaded
Another thing to fix broken stuff lol, buttons for my extractor hood of which all but 2 were broken, they are pretty small (8.5mm diameter) so look a bit rubbish up close in the photo and I don't have a .2 nozzle to print with at the moment, they will look way better than the busted ones I currently have though :)

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