3D Prints Gallery

These look great again, more than just dry brushing this time I assume!?

Yes! I bought some paints from Hobbycraft and a load of fine brushes :) The Mando helmet was printed black and then coated with clear shoe polish mixed with silver Mica powder, similar effect to the dry brushing on the star destroyer to be honest but slightly more metallic.
Week one of owning my own printer and I modelled and printed some toilet seat bumpers to replace the ones that have been broken since I moved into the house, printer purchase totally justified now :D

All the fancy/pretty prints are great, hell I've printed more than my fair share, but one thing 3D Printing is great for is practical prints.

I bought some Ubiquiti network items recently and decided I wanted them in a 10” rack. I could have put the Gateway and PoE switch on shelves but decided to use 3D printing instead.

The shelf at the top is metal but the Gateway holder, PoE Switch holder, Patch Panel and the blanking plate are 3D printed.

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Here's my first print off a Bamboo, and my first attempt at painting. It's not quite a 1/6th scale model (300% size wasn't quite enough), there's a few bits still to do but I'm taking a break from paint inhalation.
The face makes me want to cry. I need to do more sanding and prepping next time.

I mean, other than the fact its an UltraMarine, that's pretty sweet, wheres the model from?
Cults3d. I've always wanted a large space marine model, and the only decent one I could find was the Titus model. There's a Grey Knight that I've got ready to go next, but I'm fairly sure it'll come out pretty rough.
That marine looks flipping great. I have no background or inclination for the painting.

Finally started on these Lego Shuttle additions from Gecko Bricks and ended up going with some Bambu Matte tangerine after esun were completely unable to get it sorted. After ordering 8 refills (2x tangerine and 2x white for these prints plus 4 different colours of their new PETG as I'd like to print a few birdhouses and also only have blue PETG limits you a bit when you want a bracket!) and getting 2 free empty spools it worked out at £12 a kilo which for half decent filament with the RFID's I was happy with.

Added some 0.2/0.05mm fuzzy skin for a little of that texture and I'm really happy with the first print. 4.5 hours though because of the fuzzy skin. It's not until you hold the part that you realise the scale of this final assembly! These photos are coming out much more ORANGE than the print is.



OG tank for texture comparison.

Also found out yesterday that those giant lego minifigure Vader and Stormtropper files have been taken down after either lego or Disney contacted the guy that made them. Fortunately, I have both saved but not some of the others I wanted.
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Well, here's my second 3d print, a WH40K Grey Knight. It's taken ages to print and even longer to paint (still have some tidying to do), but I'm at the point where it's close to done.

I'm not the creator of the model. For reference, this is the original artwork -
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*looks at my cool stuff that, compared to the above, looks like a foetus made it*

The final result is incredible man, well done.
@vail3r ahh great. I have the Vader and Stormtroper and recently someone on reddit was able to send me deadpool, bb8 and soemthingh called spider gwen, all from that creators 6:1 collection which has now been taken down.

I assume all of these are from the same collection?
Here's my first print off a Bamboo, and my first attempt at painting. It's not quite a 1/6th scale model (300% size wasn't quite enough), there's a few bits still to do but I'm taking a break from paint inhalation.
The face makes me want to cry. I need to do more sanding and prepping next time.

That's amazing, wouldn't stand a chance painting something that detailed!

What filament do you use for miniatures etc. I've heard matte is best but was wondering specific colours, recall all of the games workshop stuff (that was plastic at least) being grey?
That's amazing, wouldn't stand a chance painting something that detailed!

What filament do you use for miniatures etc. I've heard matte is best but was wondering specific colours, recall all of the games workshop stuff (that was plastic at least) being grey?

I just used the standard bambu filament. The 0.2 nozzle made a difference to quality though.
I jumped to resin printing because the layer lines and long print times were annoying me.

Titus v2 in progress
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