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4080 & 4090 Coil Whine Thread

Yeah if its the Straight Power 11 1200w, its exactly the same one. This endeavour must be costing you a fortune. I do wonder if once Be quiet release their single wire adapter if that will help any.
ahh damn my Suprim X has pretty bad coil wine, almost sounds like a fan rubbing constantly.

I just tested it in control, I have my PC on the floor under my desk though and don't hear it with the glass side closed

Between me, you and voodoo we have 4 Suprims with Coil Whine

Just tried it on Red Dead 2 and its really bad.
Yes, but not for coil whine reasons. I can ignore that tbh as I use headphones. The problem I have is I can’t control the RGB as the MSI Center software crashes. RGB software is the worst software in the world. Got all my RGB how I want it, but the GPU can only be controlled via this software which just crashes. Seems like it’s a common complaint with this software. So I’m going to try and get a non MSI model most likely.

I used Open RGB for my last Suprim. This one MSI centre or Open RGB isn't detecting the card. Sure there's a fix I just haven't had time to look into it yet.
Just ran the Cyberpunk benchmark on mine for comparison:

No case since I'm waiting for raptor lake to rebuild, but I'm convincing myself it'll be better when it's under my desk instead :p

Oh god, I don't think you have anything to risk swapping that one out.
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To be honest that video I posted with Red Dead 2 at max settings was worst case scenario. Even though it produced that noise when I was playing I didn't notice it in game, with audio playing.

I'm leaning towards keeping it. Because swapping it out I'll almost certainly get a worse one, as relatively speaking it's very mild.
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To be honest that video I posted with Red Dead 2 at max settings was worst case scenario. Even though it produced that noise when I was playing I didn't notice it in game, with audio playing.

I'm leaning towards keeping it. Because swapping it out I'll almost certainly get a worse one, as relatively speaking it's very mild.

I fired up God of War a previously silent game and changed my mind. So its going back for testing, the CS agreed from my videos its at a level it should be swapped.

I've also authorised for them to test my new card their side first, to ensure I get a good one.
Well they said they would test the one they send me so nothing really to lose, apart from been without a high end GPU for a few days. They had ones set aside for RMA issues.

I do wish my hearing wasn't so sensitive in this instance . I played Bioshock Infinite/Elden Ring on it and it enhances the game so much when you can enjoy the quiet moment in games too, you don't always want music been thrown at you to hide things.

I paid a few grand for me Atmos Setup incl receiver, 170 for silent fans etc. It's a shame if one part let's me down. Not expecting complete silence under high work loads and I don't mind it when thr fans have to ramp up its just that buzzing that's super distracting.
Interesting. Didn't think it would as that's the same PSU I use. I'll just give it one roll of the dice and then stick with what they send me as long as its not worse. Since there testing it first for me, it should be good.

If either of us get a good one, at least we know they do exist.
Seems like
Not seen as many complaints with the Zotac and Gigabyte for coil whine. Happy with the Zotac, but my god, the motor noise is spoiling a great all-around card.
It looks great, it's lighter and smaller than the Suprim and its temps are around 5c less than the Suprim, but you can hear the motors over everything else.
Had I gotten this one 1st, I would just think it's a bigger card and fans and just working hard vs heat, but after having the Suprim to compare, it's hard not to be bothered by the noise.
I am now wondering how hard would it be to swap the fans out lol

Ah nightmare. What's the verdict on which one to keep? Maybe try your luck with one or two more Suprims?
It's off until around 50c. That was the speed they go when it goes from idle to on. The funny thing is the motor/bearing noise is better at higher rpm, it's the low rpm which is louder...well, not loud, but loud vs MSI.

The card itself is better than the Suprim for what I need. It has a high enough clock, and there is more than enough power to make it to 5090 and maybe beyond. The lighting is better than the Suprim and the look of it is different in a good way. So far, the only gripe I have is I wish the fans were as good as the Suprim.

That been said, it will no doubt blow up now I have said that lol

Is that the more expensive of the Zotecs? Honestly it all seems a gamble no matter what card I go for. My card is going back Thursday so will see what the next step for me is then.
how are you going about returning? are they sending you one out prior or? also did you buy from OC?

I've got noctua a12's in my new build and its so much quieter than my old build. Only thing thats ruining it for me is the coil whine. I ran 3d mark last night again 500+loops and its still noisy.

Wondering if they will test the card for me before sending out..

They are picking it up tomorrow. My retailer is testing out my card before it gets sent back to me. Said thus might add a few days on, but I'm happy for that.
Glad to know there is some Suprim Xs without issue above. @voodoochild2008 are you out the game now? Haha.

Mine is back with the retailer. So should have an update soon. Last time I tested it was in Uncharted 4. Exploring Drakes house with little music it's all I could hear.
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