£40M Armed Robbery In Kent

Good for them, lucky buggers walking away with £40M :p
must have took a lot of planning, and if that much planning wen't into it, then they might never get caught.

Maybe they'll make an "italian job" style movie about it in a couple of years :p

Its just one more thing for the press to write about. Jeez, how much I hate the press!
Stellios said:
If they pull it off successfully, then they deserve to get the cash.

No-one nicks £40m without an escape plan, they are probably long gone by now, or will be very soon.

Be nice to see how this pans out.

Yes, great. Do the balls deserve it. They are thieving ****s and should be locked up. I don't get the mentality of people saying this - like ronnie biggs - people forgot they crippled someone. Oh then there's the kidnapping in this case. Maybe I'll rob a bank and kill someone, but if I do it right then that's all ok!
Stringy said:
The money will be covered by insurance and what not, and god knows theres enough money in this country to fill the gap. Round of applause from me if they get away with it (unlikely).

Ideally they would've moved to the area to plan the robbery, working under false identites (if working at all?) and making as few a friendships as possible. After the robbery they'd go to a different country where an extradition treaty does not exist with the UK (travel with different passports to the previous identities, lack of extradition just in case they are found out). Providing they're not traced to there they can then try and buy a new identity and move to a more friendly country to enjoy their riches in moderation.
That's what I'd do anyway.

You been reading Mr Nice?

Gotta say I respect crimes like this...takes planning rather than spontaneously robbing a high street bank, and to not injure anyone. Although, the whole plan does sound similar to the large Irish robbery the other year.
I see people arte taking the Northern Bank heist as a "guide" on how to rob large sums of cash. On the other hand, the Northern Bank robbers "forgot" to leave the country, so they got caught.

I dont think they will get away with it, the notes serial numbers, indeed possibly all notes of that denomination will be recalled, and it will be impossible to shift the £40 Million before the the deadline that the notes stop being exchanged (at least, without making yourself a suspect).

BBC Reports Sum as £25 Million
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what the hell are they going to do with it if its new money

sell a £50 note for a quid

thats a big pile of paper, we had 7 million BG share cert on the computor room floor that covered a large area let alone the floor loading
Le_Petit_Lapin said:
I see people arte taking the Northern Bank heist as a "guide" on how to rob large sums of cash. On the other hand, the Northern Bank robbers "forgot" to leave the country, so they got caught.

I dont think they will get away with it, the notes serial numbers, indeed possibly all notes of that denomination will be recalled, and it will be impossible to shift the £40 Million before the the deadline that the notes stop being exchanged (at least, without making yourself a suspect).

BBC Reports Sum as £25 Million

On the radio this morning they mentioned that half the moeny had been recieved (from shops etc), and so the serial numbers werent recorded, and the other half was awaiting distribution (and so they know what the numbers are.....)
Visage said:
On the radio this morning they mentioned that half the moeny had been recieved (from shops etc), and so the serial numbers weren't recorded, and the other half was awaiting distribution (and so they know what the numbers are.....)
Still, thats £12.5 -20 million, depending on whose figures you accept.

They've just stolen money.. anything but respect is due here. They kidnapped a family, you think they should respect their capturers after having guns put to their heads?

This isn't some scene from a movie for christ's sake.

The notes will be written off by the banks (serial numbers), so cashing in will be very difficult and they can only trickle feed them back into circulation and must be very careful about it.

Hopefully they will be caught and put behind bars for a long time.
Robert said:
Yes, great. Do the balls deserve it. They are thieving ****s and should be locked up. I don't get the mentality of people saying this - like ronnie biggs - people forgot they crippled someone. Oh then there's the kidnapping in this case. Maybe I'll rob a bank and kill someone, but if I do it right then that's all ok!

I am not saying stealing is good, but don't you fancy 40m? :cool:
I wonder how the Banks will find a new way to add the cost of claiming on the insurance to us, £5 for a cash widthdrawl, £50,000 for going overdrawn.

All robbers are Scum.
Nix said:
Well you wouldn't want to catch them if they weren't criminals now would you?

No, thats not what I was saying. I would have thought that was plainly obvious.

The original post I quoted suggested that they needed to be caught so that an example could be made of them. I disagreed, stating that they need to be caught purely because they've broken the law - not so an example can be made.
I hope they absolutely get the book thrown at them, if and when they get caught, and spend the rest of their lives at her majestys pleasure.

I see plenty of people with the romantic view of this 'if you can do it, then good on you and all' but these robbers could be terrorists looking to fund their next venture, organised crime, and numerous other undesirable characters.
I can see the movie now "The Kent Job"

Doubt they'll get away with that, quite a bit of money.
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