£40M Armed Robbery In Kent

They stole a heck of a lot of money, kidnapped a family including an 8 year old boy and held 15 other people hostage at gun point. I wouldn't call them victims, TBH.
fair play i say ! it mustve taken some planning and guts to do it and they have pulled it off wooo lucky them while it lasts :D
makes no difference anyway as they will get caught...the police in this country cannot solve a crime if you get your shed broken into..but they always seem to do well with big or serious crime

plus they wont be able to keep it quiet..with the 2 million reward on offer..anybody who knows whats happened can now extort the robbers..give me 2 million or I will turn you in...thats the minimum amount people can try to get out of them not to grass them up

plus with soo many people involved its bound to slip out at some point..they simply took too much..5 or 6 million they might have been able to keep quiet about for a while...40 million makes them a target for every other criminal out there who might want a slice
Has to be some element of an inside job on this one for them to know the setup of the security alarms, whereabouts of the staff and money,
What happened to the other robberies a while ago, where they stole £26m - Not sure where it was, were they caught in the end?
the one in ireland..yeah they are on trial now I think

yhey will have a ton of cctv footage to wade through from this yet as well
Phnom_Penh said:

Well, the fact is that a group of hardened criminals with obvious experience in the armed robbery field have conducted meticulous surveillance on the premises, the manager, his movements, money involved, security arrangements. They have obtained police uniforms, blue lights for an ' unmarked ' Volvo. ' I work on the assumption here that there is no inside knowledge or help, which may transpire to be the case.

The have taken his family hostage and threatened extreme violence if he did not cop-operate. He has had a gun pushed into his face and made to co-operate. Are they not victims ?

Up to £40m and maybe more has been stolen. That money has to be accounted for and also it belongs to someone or many. Are they not victims too ?

There is no such thing as a victimless crime.
I see you quickly added the 'm' on the end of that £40 Von, was just about to point out :) would be quite dramatic if robbers would do all that for £40.
Von Smallhausen said:
Well, the fact is that a group of hardened criminals with obvious experience in the armed robbery field have conducted meticulous surveillance on the premises, the manager, his movements, money involved, security arrangements. They have obtained police uniforms, blue lights for an ' unmarked ' Volvo. ' I work on the assumption here that there is no inside knowledge or help, which may transpire to be the case.

The have taken his family hostage and threatened extreme violence if he did not cop-operate. He has had a gun pushed into his face and made to co-operate. Are they not victims ?

Up to £40m and maybe more has been stolen. That money has to be accounted for and also it belongs to someone or many. Are they not victims too ?

There is no such thing as a victimless crime.

As you say - these are hardened criminals. These aren't nice people. Whoever crosses them from now on will = dead. This IS as bad as murder or rape, simple as. The people involved will probably have trouble getting on with their lives after a seemingly secure place has been breached.
Von Smallhausen said:
Well, the fact is that a group of hardened criminals with obvious experience in the armed robbery field have conducted meticulous surveillance on the premises, the manager, his movements, money involved, security arrangements. They have obtained police uniforms, blue lights for an ' unmarked ' Volvo. ' I work on the assumption here that there is no inside knowledge or help, which may transpire to be the case.

The have taken his family hostage and threatened extreme violence if he did not cop-operate. He has had a gun pushed into his face and made to co-operate. Are they not victims ?

Up to £40m and maybe more has been stolen. That money has to be accounted for and also it belongs to someone or many. Are they not victims too ?

There is no such thing as a victimless crime.
They still did not harm anyone, theres a difference between sticking a gun in someone's face, and pulling the trigger in someones face.

The money will be covered by a Lloyd's Syndicate, they've got plenty of money, and it probably won't endup being too much of a problem.

Speeding's a crime :p

Tommy B said:
I really hope one of the criminals turncoats his mates and turns em in for the £2mil reward.
Not going to happen tbh, unless they're stupid or something, as 1. They would incriminate themselves, 2. They would probably have more than £2m from the crime itself.
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I'll go and hold up a bank until someone ****** themself and then say - "HAHAHA i'm only jokin love this isn't serious!!!!"
Phnom_Penh said:
They still did not harm anyone, theres a difference between sticking a gun in someone's face, and pulling the trigger in someones face.

So that is not harming someone ? They will be totally unaffected by that ?

The money will be covered by a Lloyd's Syndicate, they've got plenty of money, and it probably won't endup being too much of a problem.

And Lloyd's will absorb that loss totally without recouping any off Lloyd's customer base ? Who do you think will pick up all or part of that loss ? That sort of money has to be recouped and the customer base will foot that directly or indirectly. Again I ask .... victimless ?

Speeding's a crime

And there are never victims ?
Robert said:

I'll go and hold up a bank until someone ****** themself and then say - "HAHAHA i'm only jokin love this isn't serious!!!!"
Making someone **** themselves is hardly a crime, but attempted robbery is.
Dj_Jestar said:
Just the expression I have for people like yourself who are applauding the thieves.

Just how you can congratulate people who took captive a family, whom no doubt thought they were going to die or at best be hurt, the man of the family forced to do what he is told at the risk of his family's lives, one foot wrong and the last goodbye he would have said to his wife and kid(s) was that morning, to be tied up for hours at gun point.

Yeah, I can see why.. what heros they are, absolute role models for the rest of us who have to work for our money, perhaps we all have it wrong and should follow in there enlightened footsteps?

Wholy jumping-on-ludicrous-conclusions-for-no-reason Batman! When did I ever said that what they did was ok? And, congratulate them? Are you sure you ment to quote me or....?

Anyway pre-emptive apology accepted ;)
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