48 Hour Boycott

If I was on twitter I'd ask if they could make it a week or even a month as the clowns doing this are an awful bunch of somethings anyway.
You call it weak but it's protesting in the truest sense of the word, I know people have been heavily conditioned by recent media coverage but "peacefully protesting" is not burning down businesses, attacking civilians/police and pulling down historical statues.
It's a massive deal to attention whores because 'likes' and 'followers' and 'sheep'. Hard to give that up for 48 hours.

For me and you it's LOL. I've boycotted them since inception as I've never, nor will ever, have an account.
You call it weak but it's protesting in the truest sense of the word, I know people have been heavily conditioned by recent media coverage but "peacefully protesting" is not burning down businesses, attacking civilians/police and pulling down historical statues.

Many authoritarian ideologies have a political wing and a violence wing. It's useful to have both and to pretend they're completely seperate. This protest is part of the former and arson, assault and vandalism is the latter. Same intent, different methods. Twitter hasn't been absolutely obedient to the ideology, so economic/social/political pressure is applied to compel obedience because violence isn't yet as effective in this context. They want to compel Twitter to be their weapon in promoting authoritarianism and irrational prejudices. Using violence and intimidation against people at Twitter now might be perceived as looking bad.
Twitter is a cess pit of loons spreading lies and misinformation, just have a read of Trumps account.

Also Robbie Williams lol, bigging up pizza Gate. :D
It's a pathetic gesture, but sadly, 'social media' users are generally pathetic types and can't function without it.
You call it weak but it's protesting in the truest sense of the word, I know people have been heavily conditioned by recent media coverage but "peacefully protesting" is not burning down businesses, attacking civilians/police and pulling down historical statues.
I agree it’s ‘technically’ protesting but in my mind protesting typically involves more self-sacrifice than not being a narcissist for a bone chilling 48 hours.
Its a shame that we see such quick removal if anything considered anti Jewish..

Yet no one cares if anti white propaganda is spouted left right and center...
It was interesting to see Twitter’s take on this - if this had been the other way round and a Jewish person (basically someone who’s white to most people) had made similar comments and threats to someone black on Twitter he would have been banned straight away.

As it was they didn’t really have a problem with someone making anti-Semitic comments as it was basically viewed as it didn’t break their rules about abuse aimed at white people.
I wish I had the opportunity to boycott Twitter, but Twitter decided to boycott me permanently some years ago.

Something to do with my calling Richard Brandon a “short ginger nonce” if I remember correctly.
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