48 Hour Boycott

no one seems to want to be them self any more or find out who they are.

seems people would rather be someone else, it's a pretty dangerous path to be leading down imo.

if suicide rates increase generation on generation we know why, if you don't have 1 million followers on instagram and never had a retweet by someone really popular on twitter there then your a failure.

it's kinda weird because schools were teaching it's not about winning it's about taking part and everyone gets a medal? yet people seem more competitive than ever..

maybe teaching people that there is always going to be someone better than you and all you can do is your best maybe wasn't such a terrible idea after all.

maybe it allowed people to be happier in their own limited success

It's a good idea because it's actually true.
some people will find it hard not to use twitter for 48hrs. Oh what a world we live in.

I used twitter once, signed up, read a few comments, then thought....jeez, is our country really made up of all these people (it isn't), I left, the end

Did anyone notice I signed up, nope
Did anyone notice when I left, nope
Does anyone actually know who I am, nope
Do I care, nope
Do I care about all those strangers on twitter, nope

People need to get over themselves
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