Well, video is a complex business, especially with 4k and HDR thrown in. Its more about making sure the player understands the capability of the screen in order to get the best out of it and i guess the two players arent quite the same in that regard? also obviously player other content, 1080p blurays for example, and upscaling them will be different across the different players. Since the player has to do some processing there, there's going to be differences. same with dvd playback.
You think the player should do the upscaling rather than the screen?
(I honestly dont know which should be best, and maybe different combinations of products produce highly variable results) but in my personal experience, and admittedly talking about the switch to 1080p rather than 4k, I ve always thought it better to use the screens upscaling ability as its more likely to be better suited to the display itself and also potentially if not likely to be a better processing chip to do the actual upscaling?
Rather than use a relatively cheaper player to do the hard work and then let the tv just display what it receives.
Really interested to find out why the other way should be better.
EDIT: Actually it's funny how region coding has progressed. They were so stringent with it on DVDs yet the vast majority of Blurays don't have coding as they couldn't be bothered and I understand Ultra HD Bluray doesn't even have a region coding system.
II would say thats a bit misleading (considering I have 700+ BR's), a lot of the older films now on BR come out without region coding (Im talking 50-60s films) and maybe those that have been issued a few times on BR already, but there is still a lot coming out with coding , Im going off MakeMKV telling me rather than the sometimes tiny impossible to read info on the back.
Dont get me wrong I do come across a lot still that are new releases without region coding, but from what I understand its irrelevant with 4k BR's where ever they are released (which to me makes it even more annoying when some discs come out in the US and dont here and vice versa, even though I understand distribution channels can be different).
15-20 4k BR's avilable in the UK and about double that in the US , I dont think that can be sneazed at after a handful of months of the format being formally released. By Christmas it sounds like there should be at least double that (and The Abyss finally coming out early 2017 which is a must buy for me)
I wasn't straight in with Bluray but had an early Sony BDP-S350 which I've only just replaced (freebie with new TV). The PS3 was a nice way into Bluray when players were still very expensive but was notoriously noisy.
This is the generic problem with consoles as players, there is a lot more electronics in a console than in a player so therefore cooling has to be a lot better (although personally I never found the PS3 to be overly noisy and I got mine as soon as it was released in the UK along with Casino Royale on BR and a few others, Stealth ? maybe not sure about that one)