*** 4K Player Thread ***

i got the panny yesterday having allot of problems with it, direct into my 4k tx65ax800e tv no picture just black screen, via my amp i get a picture ok yamaha avr rx 673 amp but with speckles all over it and flashing pixels, it plays a 1080p disc ok soon as i play uhd no picture, so i bought a new amp which i get today and will try it. rang panasonic and got how you factory reset it , power off hold the 2 right side coloured buttons down press right then hold ok but does not help.

cannot understand why direct i get black screen but via my av amp it semi works

Are you using the supplied hdmi cable ?
As a panny buyer i'm slightly miffed / happy at the same time that ms can put out a game console with 4k at that 250 price . Begs the question was Panasonic taking the **** on pricing ? Will be interesting to see if any compromises have been made to get that low price. Or are they prepared to take a short turn hit as they think 4k will go massive ?
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