Just taken possession of a panasonic UB900 4k player Had it on 20 mins ..... impressed so far. Just wondering if any lucky people have bought one ?
San Andreas... really is that worth actually paying money for?
i got the panny yesterday having allot of problems with it, direct into my 4k tx65ax800e tv no picture just black screen, via my amp i get a picture ok yamaha avr rx 673 amp but with speckles all over it and flashing pixels, it plays a 1080p disc ok soon as i play uhd no picture, so i bought a new amp which i get today and will try it. rang panasonic and got how you factory reset it , power off hold the 2 right side coloured buttons down press right then hold ok but does not help.
cannot understand why direct i get black screen but via my av amp it semi works
New DMP-UB900 firmware today:
Not much of a hassle to let it update itself.
Independence Day on it's way!
Pressing two buttons is too much I say, best just stay where you are.
So, any reviews of the Xbox yet which focus on its abilities as a disc player?
All the ones I've seen thus far are reviewing it as a console and just mention the Bluray abilities as an aside. Keen to know how it compares to standalone players.
Done the same and the collection is due for release November 21st.
(with ub900 I would like to know how/if you can control multi-channel audio mixing down for the two channel analog audio output, if you wanted to drive a 2 channel hifi)
For instance Star Trek Beyond UHD in the US is meant to be out 20th Sept but UK release is not till Jan 2017.