5th May UK regional elections discussion and results

Surely Goldsmith has won this? 50% to win and over 51%? But it then says Khan is set to win?

That's only the one that has been declared.
This gives you a better idea - [url]https://www.londonelects.org.uk/im-voter/election-results/live-count-progress-2016?contest=23[/url]
I have no problems with UKIP and have voted for them at European elections but I'm not sure I approve of Neil Hamilton and Mark Reckless being added to Welsh Assembly party lists and then being selected as Welsh Assembly Members. Neither to my knowledge has any relationship with Wales sufficient to make them good representatives and I speak as an Englishman living in South Wales. Surely they should have been put on lists for South East region Euro elections or London Assembly if it was important to find them roles but this just feels like payroll politics at the expense of the Welsh.
Once again speaking down to people if they don't agree with your points and the ironic use of the word debate! Unbelievable.....

Of course he is, and in truth I didn't expect any other reaction. I'll just paraphrase a quote often attributed to Maggie Thatcher "if they attack one personally, it means they can't counter your argument". I said things that contradict his view of the world, so he responded with a personal insult - playing the man and not the ball is what seems to pass as an acceptable tactic for some sides of the political spectrum.
How can that moron Sturgeon be deluding herself (and trying to delude others) that this was a good result for the SNP? They are talking about forming a minority leadership, the woman is an imbecile and hopefully this puts to bed the referendum ****.
already loads of tweets about how proud all Muslims should be an how it's great there is a Muslim major. Sad how both ends of the spectrum are always grasping at straws with race and or religion
already loads of tweets about how proud all Muslims should be an how it's great there is a Muslim major. Sad how both ends of the spectrum are always grasping at straws with race and or religion

It's good for Muslims apart from terrorism were not in the news for anything else!

So yeah good stuff.
Oh Muslim isn't a race? Gosh how did I not know that after reading countless hilarious threads on here :cool:
Only had a voting card for a police commissioner which I didn't use. Was this election region specific?
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