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31 Aug 2013
It was a joke at the expense of your 3770k paired with a 3080 calling it a 2080ti.
Infact a 6800xt probably trades blows with your 3080 :D

Ah, well it's just that I've never got around to upgrading that old dog. Laughable, but this is my main development machine that's been 100% stable. I'm amazed it still performs so well as it does. I will get around to a Ryzen upgrade one day once the bugs are sorted out. Remember I also said I upgraded for RT, which wasn't such a silly move as the GPU is hitting 100% usage in CP2077 due to the RT/DLSS workload. I agree the 6800xt trades blows with the 3080 under legacy workloads, but it's RT and DLSS that appeals today.

There is so much wrong with this post I just don’t know where to begin.

Rage mode is not overclocking. It does not void warranty. Rage mode simply increases the power limit a few percentage points, that’s it.

Sorry, I was still under the impression that it did void warranty. Overclocking or raising power limit to acheive a higher performance, semantics.

To be fair, AMD haven't been forthcoming with information this launch. Do you have any release date for AMD's DLSS?


Potentially rage inducing
So what could be the problem? Well, the end of the presentation had this to say:

“Overclocking AMD processors, including without limitation, altering clock frequencies / multipliers or memory timing / voltage, to operate beyond their stock specifications will void any applicable AMD product warranty, even when such overclocking is enabled via AMD hardware and/or software. This may also void warranties offered by the system manufacturer or retailer. Users assume all risks and liabilities that may arise out of overclocking AMD processors, including without limitation, failure of or damage to hardware, reduced system performance and/or data loss, corruption or vulnerability,” as seen in the livestream.

Naturally this alarmed us, as it made Rage Mode sound as if it would void AMD RX 6000 product warranties if used. It’s not an unreasonable conclusion to reach either, as overclocking any product traditionally voids the warranty. Once a user unshackles the product from manufacturer-set parameters, the product is considered vulnerable to overheating or voltage malfunctions. These factors can cause permanent damage to the performance and lifespan of a product or just outright kill it. Therefore, it seemed strange for AMD to apparently advertise overclocked performance without accepting liability for the results of Rage Mode. Especially when described as a defining technology that outperforms the competition. Naturally, we reached out to them for clarification.

AMD responded to our inquiry about Rage Mode and warranties with a very different explanation than what was delivered during the presentation. It turns out that AMD Rage Mode is not a genuine overclocking feature. Instead, the company likened it to a user profile. AMD officially categorizes it as a Radeon Software Performance Tuning Preset. Likewise, we can expect a few options for running our RX 6000 GPUs. We already know about Rage Mode, but there will be a Quiet and Balanced mode as well.

Rage Mode does not exceed the factory parameters of the GPU clocks or voltages. Instead, it works more like a power slider option to deliver a little more juice at the cost of power efficiency, fan noise, and temperatures. Nvidia Control Panel and Windows have similar features which allow users to crank up the power delivery a little more if desired. AMD Rage Mode sounds like a more aggressive version of that.

AMD also confirmed that the presets will not void warranties and intends to rewrite its EULA to more clearly reflect the distinction. “We would like to make it clear: that warning does not apply to the Performance Tuning Presets like Rage and Quiet modes. These operating modes are fully supported by AMD and will not invalidate the product warranty. In fact, we will be updating the EULA in Radeon Software to clarify.”
31 Aug 2013
You’re a very devisive and upsetting feature in the gpu section of the forums, I can see it won’t be too long before you’re banned from it (people like you usually are).

This is a forum for hardware discussion. We get to discuss pros and cons of PC hardware. You could at least provide detail to prove me wrong, but banning people that you don't agree with is a subject for another forum :rolleyes:

Now if you took the time to read the post that I replied to -

The 6800xt is a beast, nvidia has better RT and DLSS but without those then they'd be humiliated.
Once AMD's DLSS equivelant comes out then I see people caring less about the RT gap.

Does my reply sound devisive or measured? Remember we still only have a choice between two companies for high end GPUs.

My original succint reply which appears to have brought the AMD fanboys to arms -

Resizeable BAR (SAM) support arrives in February for Nvidia's 3000 series.

No, AMD has no DLSS equivalent. There may not be a DLSS option until RDNA3, which AMD have said will focus more on AI. You should also be aware that AMD's RT support is ~50% slower than Nvidia's, while Cyberpunk 2077 won't get any form of RT support for RDNA until the end of the year. Maybe CDPR know more about RDNA3's release date. The Medium, another game offering RT support, will only have the RT quality settings available for Nvidia GPU's as RDNA2 just doesn't have the performance.

In general AMD doesn't perform so well at 4K due to cheap/poor performing memory when compared to Ampere.

In responce to -

OK, so I built my first PC in prep for the 3000 series which turned out to be the worst time ever to build a new PC. I have had every chance to pick up a 3080FE like everyone else but had always been beaten to it due to timing/website traffic and PayPal god damn verification (so close on 4 occasions). It’s been months now and I was getting fed up with waiting so I managed to pickup an RX 6800 reference from the US for £500 including import tax believe it or not (possibly an error). I had my heart set on the 3080FE for both price and aesthetics for my new build but beggars can’t be choosers in these times it seems. The RX 6800 is being delivered next week but I’m not sure whether to sell it on and continue the wait for a 3080FE or just be happy? I wanted to game at 4K as I have a 4k60Hz monitor but I am planning to buy a new gaming monitor as soon as the card arrives (4K 144hz) or the odyssey g9 (I know this is not a 4K monitor) again this is dependant on stock as monitors seem to be running low too. What’s everyone’s thoughts?

Also on a side note does the 3700x make use of SAM yet and has there been any update on AMD’s DLSS equivalent?

Devisive or providing information to allow someone to make an informed purchase?
Pet Northerner
29 Jul 2006
Newcastle, UK
Being an owner of both the 3080FE and 6800XT I can say that the 6800XT is a fine card which I prefer for most of the games I play @3440x1440p. It runs cooler and quieter than the FE and draws less power under load.

For the 2-3 RTX games I own, the 3080FE does better, but the RT isn't the be all and end all right now. It might be in a couple of years but today, there's not enough good games out that use the tech well enough to make investing in a card worth it. Frankly in regards to DLSS it shouldn't be needed at my resolution so I've never tested it, however I imagine I'd need it for any kind of heavy RT load but I'm waiting for CP2077 to be fixed before I play it.

I do enjoy the none gaming aspects of the FE, such as nvidia broadcast, which makes teams calls much nicer when I have a cat that marauds my desk during meetings.

If anyone bought either card they'd be happy IMO and the usual suspects that come into AMD threads to trash the 6800XT have an obvious bias / agenda.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Being an owner of both the 3080FE and 6800XT I can say that the 6800XT is a fine card which I prefer for most of the games I play @3440x1440p. It runs cooler and quieter than the FE and draws less power under load.

For the 2-3 RTX games I own, the 3080FE does better, but the RT isn't the be all and end all right now. It might be in a couple of years but today, there's not enough good games out that use the tech well enough to make investing in a card worth it. Frankly in regards to DLSS it shouldn't be needed at my resolution so I've never tested it, however I imagine I'd need it for any kind of heavy RT load but I'm waiting for CP2077 to be fixed before I play it.

I do enjoy the none gaming aspects of the FE, such as nvidia broadcast, which makes teams calls much nicer when I have a cat that marauds my desk during meetings.

If anyone bought either card they'd be happy IMO and the usual suspects that come into AMD threads to trash the 6800XT have an obvious bias / agenda.
Appreciate the feedback, pretty much exactly what @JediFragger and @KentMan said when they had a 3080 and a 6800 XT. :)
21 Oct 2013
@Wrinkly ironically DLSS won't really do anything for you at 1440p except lower image quality as it will push the bottleneck onto your 3770k and you won't get a higher frame rate. You are slagging off a 6800xt yet someone with one will be getting a better experience than you.
4 Jun 2009
Being an owner of both the 3080FE and 6800XT I can say that the 6800XT is a fine card which I prefer for most of the games I play @3440x1440p. It runs cooler and quieter than the FE and draws less power under load.

For the 2-3 RTX games I own, the 3080FE does better, but the RT isn't the be all and end all right now. It might be in a couple of years but today, there's not enough good games out that use the tech well enough to make investing in a card worth it. Frankly in regards to DLSS it shouldn't be needed at my resolution so I've never tested it, however I imagine I'd need it for any kind of heavy RT load but I'm waiting for CP2077 to be fixed before I play it.

I do enjoy the none gaming aspects of the FE, such as nvidia broadcast, which makes teams calls much nicer when I have a cat that marauds my desk during meetings.

If anyone bought either card they'd be happy IMO and the usual suspects that come into AMD threads to trash the 6800XT have an obvious bias / agenda.


RTX/ray tracing and dlss is good but not "that" good. I have seen games like alien isolation, fallen order, battlefront 2, gta 5 redux, rdr 2, tomb raider etc. etc. do reflections and lighting etc. just as good, if not better in some respects than rtx/ray tracing.

I much rather play at a lower res. on my oled tv than use dlss (within reason.....) as my tv does amazingly well for scaling. But if playing any demanding games on my monitor where I need extra performance then DLSS is very good here as monitors scalers are ******* ****.

I do agree with wrinkly on amd having no dlss competitor until RDNA 3 though, amd have made no comment on this whatsoever and if it does come, I'll be surprised if they can do as well as the nvidia cards given that they don't have the hardware for it..... but then again, look at the magic google do with their camera image processing but then again at the same time...... :p They also had hardware dedicated to this.....

Only reason I went with the 3080 fe was due to amds little to no stock and being able to get a 3080 fe for £650, a bargain in todays market!
Pet Northerner
29 Jul 2006
Newcastle, UK
Only reason I went with the 3080 fe was due to amds little to no stock and being able to get a 3080 fe for £650, a bargain in todays market!

I think this is a good point to be made. I got the FE for £660 all in and the 6800XT for £680.

At those prices it's a much of muchness but if you had the choice for an easier to find ref 3080 for £650 + p&p or a 6800XT for £800+ (which seems to be the going rate in stores and I'm unsure if AMD are doing reference anymore?) then the choice as a consumer would honestly be get the 3080 if you can.

If the 6800XT can be had for sub £700 then both cards represent good value IMO.
31 Aug 2013
@Wrinkly ironically DLSS won't really do anything for you at 1440p except lower image quality as it will push the bottleneck onto your 3770k and you won't get a higher frame rate.

DLSS runs on the Tensor cores, dedicated hardware to handle AI, Deep Learning Super Sampling. Using DLSS Quality at 1440p allows the GPU to render at 1080p and then upscale to 1440p providing a better image than the base 1080p. Throw in a little sharpening and you can't tell if DLSS is off or on other than the increase in frame rate. I just tried Off vs Quality, 39 vs 53. Of course I could drop down a lower sourse resolution to increase FPS even more, but I'm happy where it's at.

Maybe this is why you keep pushing AMD, you just didn't notice what Nvidia's tech does? :p

You are slagging off a 6800xt yet someone with one will be getting a better experience than you.

Not in the same PC they wont. You can't even use RT or a form of DLSS with the 6800xt playing CP2077.

Slagging off? I'd describe it as answering the pitchfork waving fanboys in the same tone :D
21 Oct 2013
DLSS runs on the Tensor cores, dedicated hardware to handle AI, Deep Learning Super Sampling. Using DLSS Quality at 1440p allows the GPU to render at 1080p and then upscale to 1440p providing a better image than the base 1080p. Throw in a little sharpening and you can't tell if DLSS is off or on other than the increase in frame rate. I just tried Off vs Quality, 39 vs 53. Of course I could drop down a lower sourse resolution to increase FPS even more, but I'm happy where it's at.

Maybe this is why you keep pushing AMD, you just didn't notice what Nvidia's tech does? :p

Not in the same PC they wont. You can't even use RT or a form of DLSS with the 6800xt playing CP2077.

Slagging off? I'd describe it as answering the pitchfork waving fanboys in the same tone :D
The answer is in your own post DLSS will lower to 1080p.so with your 3770k and a 3080 you won't get much of an increase in frames just a reduction in image quality. Putting a 3080 in that rig and then moaning about AMD cards not being good enough is very odd no matter how many tensor cores you have.
31 Aug 2013
RTX/ray tracing and dlss is good but not "that" good. I have seen games like alien isolation, fallen order, battlefront 2, gta 5 redux, rdr 2, tomb raider etc. etc. do reflections and lighting etc. just as good, if not better in some respects than rtx/ray tracing.

Have a look at Alien Isolation then run the Boundary demo. Notice how flat and static Alien Isolation has become.

No chance, but I hope they do a remake of Alien Isolation using RT and catering for VR.

Until we get a chiplet solution, I can't see RT being used in any meaningful way without a form of AI SS.
Last edited:
31 Aug 2013
The answer is in your own post DLSS will lower to 1080p.so with your 3770k and a 3080 you won't get much of an increase in frames just a reduction in image quality.

Read my post again....

DLSS runs on the Tensor cores, dedicated hardware to handle AI, Deep Learning Super Sampling. Using DLSS Quality at 1440p allows the GPU to render at 1080p and then upscale to 1440p providing a better image than the base 1080p. Throw in a little sharpening and you can't tell if DLSS is off or on other than the increase in frame rate. I just tried Off vs Quality, 39 vs 53. Of course I could drop down a lower sourse resolution to increase FPS even more, but I'm happy where it's at.

Putting a 3080 in that rig and then moaning about AMD cards not being good enough is very odd no matter how many tensor cores you have.

I've not been moaning about AMD cards. I've pointed out why they are a poor choice as a next gen card and that's before you consider that the 6800xt and 3080 are around the same price.

I don't know why you moan about the 3770k, it still does a decent job :p Maybe an attempt to deflect?

Just think of all the hassle free years I've had by not jumping on every new CPU/motherboard. 20+ years ago it was interesting building PCs, now it's just a another chore.
31 Aug 2013
You're absolutely toxic in the way you come across, belittling anything that you don't deem 'worthy'. You'll not find many fans around here fella.

Again, I've simply answered in the same tone as those who replied to me. Are you chasing these posters down? No, because you have got yourself into the same fan club. I'd rather just use this forum for hardware info, and occasionally, to help people out who are looking for info. as per my original post here.

I don't subscribe to the idea that there are no bad choices. I know that's the modern thinking, but lipstick on a pig is not for me.
21 Oct 2013
Read my post again....

I've not been moaning about AMD cards. I've pointed out why they are a poor choice as a next gen card and that's before you consider that the 6800xt and 3080 are around the same price.

Enjoy your lipstick (3080) on a pig(3770k)

I don't know why you moan about the 3770k, it still does a decent job :p Maybe an attempt to deflect?

Just think of all the hassle free years I've had by not jumping on every new CPU/motherboard. 20+ years ago it was interesting building PCs, now it's just a another chore.
I don't need to read your post again.

I pointed out why a 3080 was a poor choice for you.

I have nothing to deflect from as I won't be buying a 6800 or 6800xt.

Continue to moan about how AMD cards are bad and not up to your standards when your 3080 is performing just as "bad" as them in modern games.

you probably don't notice it though so you can enjoy your lipstick(3080) on a pig(3770k) :D
31 Aug 2013
I don't need to read your post again.

I pointed out why a 3080 was a poor choice for you.

I have nothing to deflect from as I won't be buying a 6800 or 6800xt.

Continue to moan about how AMD cards are bad and not up to your standards when your 3080 is performing just as "bad" as them in modern games.

you probably don't notice it though so you can enjoy your lipstick(3080) on a pig(3770k) :D

Didn't we have this same conversation weeks ago? The 3080 ticked all the boxes, mainly RT performance and AI SS. It delivers the experiance that I'm happy with. Why was the 3080 a poor choice? I did almost go for the 3090 due to more RT cores :p

Maybe you could show me some benchmarks with AMD cards running CP2077 with RT maxed out? I've seen the other RT benchmarks, so have you :D

Now your deflection to CPUs.... I've already said I've been planning to upgrade the 3770k for years but nothing really forced it until now as my target gaming resolution has been 1440p/60Hz. Now I'm waiting for the bugs to be ironed out with AM4/Ryzen 5000 series. This is my main development machine that I also game on. I need something 100% stable/reliable.
8 Jan 2003
Didn't we have this same conversation weeks ago? The 3080 ticked all the boxes, mainly RT performance and AI SS. It delivers the experiance that I'm happy with. Why was the 3080 a poor choice? I did almost go for the 3090 due to more RT cores :p

Maybe you could show me some benchmarks with AMD cards running CP2077 with RT maxed out? I've seen the other RT benchmarks, so have you :D

Now your deflection to CPUs.... I've already said I've been planning to upgrade the 3770k for years but nothing really forced it until now as my target gaming resolution has been 1440p/60Hz. Now I'm waiting for the bugs to be ironed out with AM4/Ryzen 5000 series. This is my main development machine that I also game on. I need something 100% stable/reliable.

You do realise that not everyone is playing CP2077? And very few people actually care about DLSS and even more so about RT. We get it, you love your 3080 because you were sucked in by the nVidia marketing and thought you "needed" RT and DLSS. Good for you. But why come into an AMD thread and start blowing that horn?
21 Oct 2013
Didn't we have this same conversation weeks ago? The 3080 ticked all the boxes, mainly RT performance and AI SS. It delivers the experiance that I'm happy with. Why was the 3080 a poor choice? I did almost go for the 3090 due to more RT cores :p

Maybe you could show me some benchmarks with AMD cards running CP2077 with RT maxed out? I've seen the other RT benchmarks, so have you :D

Now your deflection to CPUs.... I've already said I've been planning to upgrade the 3770k for years but nothing really forced it until now as my target gaming resolution has been 1440p/60Hz. Now I'm waiting for the bugs to be ironed out with AM4/Ryzen 5000 series. This is my main development machine that I also game on. I need something 100% stable/reliable.
Deflecting from what? I have 3070 I have no link to AMD.

I'm just pointing out someone with a 6800xt will be getting a better experience than you on a more balanced system. 1440p +DLSS on a 3770k is not going to get the most out of your 3080. So quit moaning about AMD cards as you already made your poor decision.
31 Aug 2013
Deflecting from what? I have 3070 I have no link to AMD.

I'm just pointing out someone with a 6800xt will be getting a better experience than you on a more balanced system. 1440p +DLSS on a 3770k is not going to get the most out of your 3080. So quit moaning about AMD cards as you already made your poor decision.

Show me where any of the AMD cards out perform the 3080 with RT right now. Also in a balanced system, wouldn't the 3080 still out perform the 6800xt even if the 6800xt could run RT / DLSS?

No one claimed the 3770k was getting the best out of the 3080, not even I. So why continue to whine about it? :p
21 Oct 2013
Show me where any of the AMD cards out perform the 3080 with RT right now. Also in a balanced system, wouldn't the 3080 still out perform the 6800xt even if the 6800xt could run RT / DLSS?

No one claimed the 3770k was getting the best out of the 3080, not even I. So why continue to whine about it? :p
Still trying to justify your poor decision in a 6800xt thread.
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