6xl to just xl I hope

Good luck - sounds like you've got your head screwed on the right way to make this happen :)

I would definitely get in on the already suggested logging of food using something like MyFitnessPal - and logging things as accurately as possible. You might be shocked by how few calories you're consuming some days (and obviously the reverse will also be true). It can also help alleviate feelings of guilt when you eat 'cheat' foods. If you're logging regularly you may realise that the cheat wasn't really a cheat at all and you were more than entitled to treat yourself.

One other thing, though don't worry about this too much right now, but eating fat isn't something you should obsess about avoiding too much. Egg yolks, avocado and loads of other healthy fats are great for you.
Homemade hummus - good source of protein and can have that with carrot/celery sticks.

Tahini and hummus itself also freezes so no need to have to chomp your way through gallons of the stuff.
Thanks French :)

Yeah - I'm not thinking about it to much but enough to keep me in check.

I'll get my fitness pal when I get home and get it set up - I did have it but on a old phone that has passed away now.

On Green tea number 6 of the day (Mango and Lychee this one - smells amazing )
My back, my back annoys me. It's your core, so with the weight mine has hanging off it, it should be relatively ok i thought. Nope. Standing to do the washing up yeah, 20 minutes in and it aches.

My chest and arm's - yes well I have them. Again last year during my sessions - I was fine, but they have since jsut gone to mush.

Have you had a look into Bodyblade?

No I hadn't, look interesting though.

I'll have a look at costs for it see what weight's they go up to.

One thing I do remember from last year is I was getting to a point with my hand weights, were my PT was putting my on 7.5's per hand for the training session - but I felt very little in term sof arm burn or difficulty. So I started doing the same work out myself but with 10's - and felt that much more in terms of burn after a session.

Thats all in the future though - first steps are just get in a postion to be able to work effectively in the gym
Had a look at the blades - Think I'll order the CXT one next payday. Cheers for the point there :)

Fell down the stairs last night during my reps, mis placed my foot and slipped - still managed to finish the routine though, it really ache's today - may have to move sunday rest to today.

Food's still on the line though - and all though its only a week and a couple of days in - I need to get a new belt to KEEP my trousers up :)

Things like that make me smile
Good work on keeping at it :)

I'm not sure about that Bodyblade thing. It really looks like a gimmick. I'm perhaps being unfair though as I haven't researched it.
Ok well - didn't really rest as much as I thought I would last night - I cut the stairs out but still did the rest.

Can already start to feel better, as I did last year after 3 month sof training with my PT, so it's not taken much to get me back up and going - just a week of strong de tox and flush out with water and green tea and clean simple foods.

By this I mean, I don't find myself as out of breath stomping across town to get the tram unless I'm almost at a slow jog pace. My back is starting to ache less (30 minutes stood up doing the washing wahoo lol)

Had to change to some trousers I got middle of last year as my current ones seem to not fit and my belt hasn't arrived yet :)
Pretty chilled weekend, did my routine and went for a walk round a local resivour with some friends.

Did some weight's with my cousin though on sunday afternoon. Did as follows, just simple arm raise's, and curls I think there called?

10 x 10 with 5kg
10 x 10 with 7.5kgs
5 x 5 with 10's
1 x 5 with 12.5

Very very dead arm's, but it was a lot of fun.

He suggested next time using the large balance balls to do sit up's with 5kg's in each hand as added resistance - what do you think?
Good work :)

Weights routine-wise I think you'd be better off reading some of the beginner threads in Sports Arena and picking up a routine from there. Something like stronglifts and supporting mobility work would do wonders for you.
I feel so burnt out it's untrue :(

Arm's are dead, legs ache and I'm just generally tired :(

Time to look at that diet mate, have you been tracking exactly what you've been eating recently?

Recovery and energy levels will obviously be slower and lower when in a deficit but there's a chance you've dropped your kcals too low too fast and now your body has hit a stage where it can no longer keep up with what you're expecting it to do on the fuel you're taking in.
Food wise is as I put above - but last week I added more fresh fruit to it - grapes, pineapples and some watermelon.

My scrambled eggs veggie sausages / porridage start is standard.
2x brown muffis with lettuce, cucumber, carrots and mixed peppers with some dried nuts (not roasted or salted just plain) and fruit for dinner
1/2 chickenn breasts oven baked with a baked sweet patatoe and some peas, carrots and sweetcorn.

3x4 750ml bottles of water a day
4-6 mugs of greeb tea.

I've not put myfitnesspal on yet stupidly that's Dl now.

Fruit is there for snacks

I've ben very boring / strict on intake and stuck rigedly to the above.

The scrambled egg i have reintroduced the yolks as of last week -one currently

I am only giving myself 1 recovery day a week though - and for the past 2 weeks I've sort of ignored that and done something rather then let myself rest and relex.
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I'd say from a quick eyeballing at the very most that is 1500kcals and that's not a lot for anyone that is a grown adult and exercising multiple times a week never mind someone whose carrying your sort of weight daily anyway.

I'd recommend not dropping any yolks from your eggs, getting a protein source into your lunch and keep a close eye on your fruit intake pineapple and grapes especially are very high in sugar and will lead to energy crashes it's also quite easy to consume large amounts of calories from them without really noticing.

Also be aware that while green tea does have it's benefits it also contains caffeine so consuming large amounts again will be messing with energy levels and possibly your quality of sleep.

Forcing yourself to have a rest day isn't needed so much if the exercise you happen to do on that day is something gentle just to keep your moving and your food intake is adequate.
tom_e's got some sound advice there. I think you'll definitely benefit from the use of MFP as though it's normal to be a bit knackered when you up your activity levels I do reckon you're probably under-eating. Whilst it's nice to see the scales move quicker it's usually not sustainable :)
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