700D carbon fibre build: Blackbox II

I like hardware but have never gone 'all out'
becomes a bit all consuming, the 470 crunches everything 2D or 3D
Indeed, and the Q6XXX's are still excellent cpu's, not gonna be redundant for a long time yet, 4gb is perfect for gaming too, oh and is that an ssd you have? would love one of those, not sure if they are worth the £££ though :o
Build is quality mate! Enjoyed reading through the thread and looking at your images as it went along.
Wish I had the Time & Patients to do something like this...
I know what you mean about soap and water from model planes. No you don't do that here, it wouldn't work its pretty tacky but it does give you second chances. Best bet is a cheapo heatgun to make life easier that's what I did:)

Ah nice one, will look out for a cheapo heatgun then, where did you get yours mate? :)
Build is lovely! Great job.

Just 1 question though, where did you attach the LEDs to on the GPU block?

they are a strip of the surface mount led tape, un-glamourously stuck onto the GPU block acrylic! keep it simple

grills are from the US, all of them £170 delivered inc customs £30 so...
but its makes the build:)

heatgun was from b&q I think, own brand.

Pump is running at 60% power, shuts down below 40%. Taken a nice edge off sound wise:) in fact my old $^*"£% maxtor HD is resonating this case like the tsunami dream! gonna axe it and replace it with some terabyte goodness.

I STILL plan to somehow make little discs of aluminium sheet I have to cover the fan hubs. Then it will look ubah-bespoke I think. Gotta gett off my a$$, OH, and put the other side panel on and cover it in the vinyl I have lol! someone slap me silly
To all the dreamers, plan out then plan some more.
Then DO IT, really worth it. Only you are holding yourself back
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Just an update.
The internals are going to be upgraded with:

Asus P8P67 Deluxe
8GB Corsair Vengeance in blue (they really look great and match the asus heatsinks!)

Can't wait to get it all in.
Got some more NZXT braided cables coming too.

I'll update when she's ready:)
Pic of the new gear guys, i'm really happy with it, it looks epicly co-ordinated in person and just looks like tech inside the case hehe:


at night:
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thanks for reading my man.
funny you should say that, i have a thread going in the cpu section atm, I Did hit 5ghz stable but at fairly high volts so ive chickened out and left it at 4.5 ghz:)
Update in a bit.

Second GTX 470 going in with LED lighting system of course:)
Just awaiting new block (RMA) from ek...

Blue primochill LRT Pro tubing and Blue UV mayhems pre-mix coolant

I think it will look pretty fly after this...watch this space
next gen:

Close up of the EK SLI link bridge, nicer in person than I thought:

yes both plexi blocks will be illuminated out of phase with each other by slowly pulsating white LEDs
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